Dec Update

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Ahh, so THIS is what it will look like in pink!


And here's it in that other colour :p

mmm it looks better in black
however i was getting use to the pandora, the box shape style, this design it all right but a bit fugly, another idea is see the top, its like a small rectangle ontop of a large rectangle,

what might look better, as the edges are to sharp for were they are positioned, is to change the rectangles into a more rounded rectangle at the corners, so, so the edges are a bit more gradual, it will also give it a unique look, that old sharp beveled kind of edge i hate, make the corncers of the rectangle more rounder and it will look great

but the looks now are ok, just not good

id also prefer that the plastic around the screen was worked on, it looks cheap with the circles, more the screws i presume, make it flatter,

any of these

just not the one in all the youtube videos
maybe its the material that makes it 10x worse than it actually is, but it seems really flemsy and fugly,
i prefer just a straight screen with possible, no wee grooves or anything

i can deal with anything i just really really hate the screen on the latest case

solidstate said:
Just one big answerable question remains unanswered.

Credit card reorders - when and where?
yep, me too! I got the email ages ago and the refund a while ago, just need the CC link now.

No pressure, I know it's being organised, but I'll be happier when my money is down again.

Love the case (and even white) pic by the way.
Thanks for the update.
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+1 for pink. :lol:

I am just waiting on my refund and once that shows up, I will be reordering instantly. :) And I'm also interested in this early "hacker" version, though I am not a developer. But I do love testing things out!

Keep up the good work, team! B)
MDave said:
Ahh, so THIS is what it will look like in pink!


Sign me up!

I must admit I preferred the earlier boxier look for the P, but I guess this look will grow on me, given time.

Going by those renders though, I don't like the cream look of the case. The black one was nice (as long as it's matt, not a fingerprint-magnet shiny black), but a PROPER white case would (to me at least) probably look even better. I must say of the original renders seen early this year, I preferred the white one to the black.

But whatever it finishes up as, I'm sure it will still be an awesome unit.
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I like the new case. Like it a lot!

And I'd like to give you my money once more with the credit card re-order I'm waiting to place. :)

Cheers for the update. I'm half tempted to not look at the forum/updates again and just wait for it to drop (not too hard) through the letterbox.

Though I doubt I'll manage that.

Well done though guys, seriously.
As far as colors go, I would prefer a matte black over a white Pandora, but I'm okay with whatever they end up picking. I liked the boxy edges, but the new lid is growing on me.

I've always liked plastic colors which are so dark they appear to be black, but under good lighting the color becomes apparent. The original Xbox, for example, was actually dark green.

How about an "antique computer" finish? By that I mean pre-yellowed beige plastic. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I hope it's only white in that render. Before the preordering all of the pictures shown had been black, so changing it so suddenly after orders have been made might make some people angry. I personally don't care what color it is but I don't think it's a good idea to change it
Yigguth said:
I hope it's only white in that render. Before the preordering all of the pictures shown had been black, so changing it so suddenly after orders have been made might make some people angry. I personally don't care what color it is but I don't think it's a good idea to change it

I kinda liked the black brick design. I'm sure I can stop worrying and learn to love the bevel, but I'd be very disappointed in a color change at this point. Not that I think it's actually in the plan. I mean, c'mon.. it's a render.

Thanks for the update, Craig. Looking forward to pics and video.
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MDave said:
Ahh, so THIS is what it will look like in pink!


And here's it in that other colour :p

I'll take both :D
I look forward the the fully assembled units, congrats Craig & Co!
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Looking good, very good. The new case looks a lot better, and I look forward to seeing the first assembled Pandora in a few days :)
It looks like a poor attempt at making it slimmer with some rounded 30° slopes. I would like some smaller curves, but not as small as the old design.

Also the Pandora logo won't be a part of the case right? A sticker or embedded maybe?

This hacker offer sounds interesting. I would love to play with Scale on a touchscreen. It might need 2D or 3D acceleration to pull off an usable framerate though.
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