
Apr 7, 2003
Are there any FAQs people would like to see written? What are the questions that come up time and time again? I wrote the unofficial Frodo one just because it's a bit more complicated than some of the other emulators. Can you guys help me brainstorm on some good topics to write FAQs on?

I think there are already FAQs about "your first day with your GP32" and "moviepark" ... those are two common threads around here. What else can we write to save ourselves from running around in circles.

An MP3 faq would be good.

Be sure to dispel the rumor of the gp32 being only able to play 128kb/s files.
I've decided to work on a general GP32 FAQ for the time being. I really couldn't imagine the MP3 one being longer than a paragraph or two.


Edit: Can you all help me brainstorm the questions we see the most? Here's a rough, rough, rough outline of what I've got in mind.

Part I
What is a GP32?
The GP32 is a hand held device that ...
Where do you get a GP32?
List websites to order from.
What do I get with my GP32?
List contents of GP32 box.
How do I get games on my GP32?
Explain hooking gp32 to the PC via the usb cable.
What SMC can I use?
explain voltage, sizes.
AC Adapter? Batteries? Usage?
What is flashing my bios, and why would I want to do it? What are the risks?

Part II
3. What all can the GP32 do?
divx. mp3. games. home brew (emulation).
4. divx
official player, buy. compress movies. links to files.
5. mp3
what it plays, what it doesn't. 8.3 file names only. 128k and above. no vbr.
6. official games.
list official games, gamepark, joygp, etc.
7. home brew - emulation
7a. What things are currently emulated?
7b. What is in the works?
7c. What is so far off you shouldn't even ask about it?
7d. How well does emulator x run?
8. Homebew - pc ports
8a. What's been done?
8b. How well do they run?
8c. What's in the future?