Firmware 2.1.2?


aka kapakux89
Sep 29, 2006
Kent, England
i just got my gp2x back from repair (after 7 weeks of painful waiting) and its now got fw 2.1.2 whats that about? i didnt know there was such a thing

EDIT: and they've glued my joystick cap on :(
PokeParadox said:
They have probably installed the hack for SDHC that Notaz released. My FW also reports 2.1.2

Bummer about the joystick cap being glued...
Interestingly if you build the kernel from gph source, it shows 2.1.2 (it wasn't me who set that number).
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PokeParadox said:
It allows for larger SD cards to be used. I think standard SD goes to 4GB SDHC can go to 8GB+

I think that's basically it.
The SD standard allows for 2GB max, SDHC is 4GB and up. However, some manufacturers "tweak" the SD standard to get 4GB, but it doesn't work with all devices.
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PokeParadox said:
It allows for larger SD cards to be used. I think standard SD goes to 4GB SDHC can go to 8GB+

I think that's basically it.
SD goes upto 2GB.
Ignoring parts of the specification gets you upto 4GB.
SDHC with the 2.0 SD specs gets you upto 32GB.
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Squidge said:
PokeParadox said:
It allows for larger SD cards to be used. I think standard SD goes to 4GB SDHC can go to 8GB+

I think that's basically it.
SD goes upto 2GB.
Ignoring parts of the specification gets you upto 4GB.
SDHC with the 2.0 SD specs gets you upto 32GB.

Thanks for settings me straight :)
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Squidge said:
Ignoring parts of the specification gets you upto 4GB.
SDHC with the 2.0 SD specs gets you upto 32GB.
Yeah and ignoring parts of 2.0 SD specs would allow upto 2TB (there are enough bits in size field to get such size) :)

DBH said:
There was a hack for SDHC support?? When the qwai did this happen and it's in what 2.1.2?? hmm
It is hidden in the beta test zone. It works for some, and doesn't for others. Open2x will have better SDHC support, whenever it's out.
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MICRODIA launches 16GB SDHC card

We knew it was only a matter of time before we had 16GB of SDHC goodness staring us down across the internets, just daring us to make the first move, but we just didn't know it would be so soon -- and so expensive. Apparently MICRODIA is prepping a range of SDHC memory to be launched in Japan this month, including a pair of what sound to be the world's first 16GB cards. They're all aimed pretty squarely at performance, with 4 and 8GB Class 4 52x cards; 4, 8 and 16GB Class 4 82x cards; and 4, 8 and 16GB Class 6 160x cards. The latter will cost you dearly, with the Class 6 16GB SDHC pictured above selling for a whoppin' $3,500. When you put it that way, our collection of 4GB SDHC is treating us just fine, thankyouverymuch.
$3500? I can't wait to see these in Chinatown for $25 two or three years from now ;P
notaz said:
Squidge said:
Ignoring parts of the specification gets you upto 4GB.
SDHC with the 2.0 SD specs gets you upto 32GB.
Yeah and ignoring parts of 2.0 SD specs would allow upto 2TB (there are enough bits in size field to get such size) :)

Not in the file systems I've looked at. They mask off the upper bits, as the current spec tells them they should always be zero.

I don't do that on my file systems however. The two SDHC cards I have both fill in the fields with zeroes, so I think it would be best for future compatibility to leave it alone.
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