
This should be interesting - I'm copying my entire GP2X card over.

EDIT: Holy crap. Amazing. Descent is running. So is MiniGame Project. Not everything is running, but this is great so far.
RupeeClock said:
notaz said:
That's just gp2xmenu, I don't think I'm going to bother fixing it up.
Ah, alright then.

notaz said:
If you use GP2X version of CS there is gp2x_buttons.txt file there where you can change this.
Ah, that looked like an ordinary readme sort of file, not a config file! Gotta try that.

notaz said:
I don't think I have rights for this, I'm not the author of CS.
I understand.

notaz said:
Not at the moment, but you can write custom script (see response to norm below)

You need to set correct working directory:
  cd /mnt/sd/game/gp2x/doukutsu/
  /mnt/sd/emulator/ginge/ginge_prep ./doukutsu.gpe

Cheers, I gotta try this.
Edit: it didn't work, I gotta admit I'm not sure what I'm doing.

I do this and this works fine for me:



/sbin/rmmod warm 2> /dev/null
/sbin/insmod ./tools/warm_2.6.24.ko

# we might write something to /tmp, no need to write to flash
# FIXME: doesn't seem to work, tmpfs broken in Wiz kernel?
#if ! grep -q '/tmp' /proc/mounts; then
# mount -t tmpfs none /tmp

# theoretically GP2X apps can make use of more RAM, because
# Wiz has 2.6 kernel (larger memory requirements) and larger
# reserved areas, so we mount some swap here just in case.

# FIXME: doesn't work too, causes more problems than resolves
#mkswap swapfile
#swapon swapfile

cd /mnt/sd/game/waw/game/wnw/
/mnt/sd/game/waw/ginge_prep ./WindAndWater.gpe

#swapoff swapfile
#umount /tmp
/sbin/rmmod warm 2> /dev/null

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec ./gp2xmenu
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thanks notaz this is awesome anyone know where i get an atari lynx emulator for the wiz? doesn't have it.
Jurk said:
I do this and this works fine for me:

Okay, I tried that and it worked. :)
Now I can run Cave Story or Wind & Water from Gmenu2X directly, that's great. :)

Wouldn't it be amazing if GINGE support was built directly into Gmenu2X, so you just load GP2X/Wiz programs as normal and launch them? I wonder if such a thing is even possible.
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RupeeClock said:
Wouldn't it be amazing if GINGE support was built directly into Gmenu2X, so you just load GP2X/Wiz programs as normal and launch them? I wonder if such a thing is even possible.

I've wondered this myself, would be amazing if it were possible.
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This is what I've been waiting for ever since I bought my Caanoo, many thanks Notaz.

Time to get lost in Cave Story for a few hours/days/weeks/eternities.
Really great job, Notaz. I played Cave Story for a few seconds - it was good. I tried Zelda Classic, but it didn't run. Any suggestions?
Wow, this is awesome! I'm impressed with how well this works with Wiz applications, since that's a newer feature.

So far I've tried these Wiz games and they work fine:

SQDEF (extremely well done tower defense game!)
The Minigame Project (Great compilation of simple but fun games)
WizSand (very simple falling sand game)
Ur Quan Masters (I was very surprised to see a complex port working so well in Ginge. I played it for quite a while and it works just fine! Some times the sound can get a little crackly, and the control configurations don't seem to do anything, but the game itself works beautifully!)

These Wiz games go back to the GP2x menu and do not run, though its possible that I haven't set them up properly:

Albion (I was really hoping this would work! I believe I've set it up properly, I followed the readme file closely)
asciiportal (this game actually goes back to the Caanoo menu when it crashes, not the GP2x menu within Ginge)
Camelot Warriors

For the GP2x I've only tried DROD and Cave Story. DROD doesn't work, it just returns to the GP2x menu, but Cave Story works perfectly! I only ever played this game a little bit on the computer, but I think I'll be putting a lot of time into it on the Caanoo.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work Notaz! You've renewed my interest in my Caanoo!
Two more if you like ;)

@blues2 : the Lynx emulator is "Handy",0,0,0,71,1175
I've managed to make the execution of gp2x games (Wind & Water, Cave history... ) transparent, bypassing ginge's gp2x menu... but when I quit a game, it returns to ginge's gp2x menu... its annoying... Can it be bypassed to, maybe removing the gp2xmenu file?
Jurk said:
I've managed to make the execution of gp2x games (Wind & Water, Cave history... ) transparent, bypassing ginge's gp2x menu... but when I quit a game, it returns to ginge's gp2x menu... its annoying... Can it be bypassed to, maybe removing the gp2xmenu file?
Use this:
/mnt/sd/path/to/ginge_prep --nomenu ./someapp.gpe
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First up, massive thanks to Notaz for making this possible! Cave Story on Caanoo? Bliss!

Quick question: How exactly do you quit games running via Ginge?

Slightly less quick question: Has anyone managed to get Duke Nukem (the original) running under Dosbox via Ginge? If so, hints?
AJack said:
First up, massive thanks to Notaz for making this possible! Cave Story on Caanoo? Bliss!

Quick question: How exactly do you quit games running via Ginge?

Slightly less quick question: Has anyone managed to get Duke Nukem (the original) running under Dosbox via Ginge? If so, hints?

If the GP2X has an ordinary exit option use that, or press Home+Y to force back to the F200 menu.
On the F200 menu you just press I and you'll return to the Caanoo GP2X menu.
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This is great Notaz, you're my POHHH (Personal Open HandHeld Hero) B)

Tested the following PC Engine CD games with Temper 0.75 (Wiz):

Cotton, Fantastic Night Dreams (works well)
Gate of Thunder (works well)
Lords of Thunder (works well)
Riot Zone (works well,a bit slow)
Star Parodier (works well)
Super Air Zonk (works well,a bit slow)

Gate of Thunder, Lords of Thunder and Star Parodier are must have titles for shooter fans.

I also tried Alexkidd2x (Wiz). Unfortunately, it does not even start.

Anyway, fantasic piece of software !
Thanks so much for this. Opens up a load of new software. Cave Story alone is worththe effort :)

Has anyone had any luck geting Milkytracker working;,0,0,0,6,2711

Just would be quite nice to compose tunes on the train,. it does run and seems to work,. however the touchscreen is not responding.
jlenoconel said:
Great work. I am having a problem though. I can't seem to get anything to load. How exactly am I supposed to set everything up on my card. Even tried the PC Engine emulator mentioned above but no cigar.

I'm reposting this because I still need a solution on how to compile stuff to get it to load under Ginge. Any help is appreciated.
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