Release GTA Vice City


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is reVC, a reversed engineered engine for GTA Vice City

You'll need the full data installation to play this. The Steam version of the game works. Simply copy all the "Grand Theft Auto Vice City" folder content into "appdata/gtavc" folder.
The default config is adapted to the pyra (both in term of control and graphic config). Feel free to adapt (but be gentle with the graphic config or you'll have a slideshow of a game).

The first start of the game will convert the textures, wich takes a few minutes. It only happens once.

(there are a few graphics artefacts sometimes, not sure texture conversion is perfect, but it's largely playable)

/!\ You need latest version of gl4es (use "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y") or the initial texture conversion process will crash /!\

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Default Pyra configuration included
Well, GTA 3 was cool, but not enough stuff to drive and fly for a Non Violent Driving Simulator ^^, Vice City got Bikes, and Flying Stuff, etc, and the Protagonist can swim if i remember correctly (and hes got a name from the Start, not like the GTA3 Guy who had to wait until GTA San Andreas to get his Name Claude

I will test this on the Weekend
Love that this runs so well, I will get a lot of play out of this game.

Some controls I changed to make DPad UP and Down to Lean Forward/Back while in vehicle, I wish the small shoulder buttons could be programmable as I could use those for Turrent Left/Right, all these controls are handy for Motorcycle and Helicopter use. For Turrent Left and Right I assigned the large left shoulder button and the Insert key.
At least I found the install cd from vice city , dos anyway know if it’s enough? Or will they ask after the installation for the play cd?
And I wonder where to put the 100 % Savegame ^^
Oh, the pc version is 2 cd's? I now wonder if I can use PS2 datafiles.
My Game have arrived, and it’s works quite good, I even have tested a 100 % Savegame to see how good Helicopters work ^^ and after putting the helicopter control on W and S (Nose up and Down) I can fly ^^
One of the reasons I prefer Vice City from 3 ..
although there is the Dodo in GTA 3, but nobody can fly whit it…
Just wanted to report that the Players shouldnd screw around whit the Graphic Settings: I tryed it out and it was becoming a Slideshow ^^
I wonder why it was so though to get the game running on the Pyra, i mean this thing is faster than most of the Computers whe played the game on when it was released..
Make sense, i mean they need to take thyre juice from a 5 V 6000mah Batterie, allthough i though even whit its mobile GPU, its just GTA3 and GTA VICE City, theyre are 20 Years old..
Seems like the Upgradable CPU GPU makes sense.. , allthough im fine whit the Omap 5, my Goal was to play the same things i made whit the Pandora, but whit a much better case, and Dreamcast as Bonus..
Take also in account that it's an reverse engeneered remake: the graphic engine is new, with many new effects possible.

But again, you find it slow, but compared to what? What is you reference as fast?
I dont find it slow, im the last one who would critice the Performance of a Port for the Pyra, i used a CC Pandora a long time i got used to it..
If i dont touch any buttons on the Graphic Options, i find it quite Playable, even on a Plane, . , im just a bit curios because i compared the 2 x 1,3 ghz on my Omap 5 whit the Computer i played the Game when it was new..
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Is this game still working? It keep crashing in the end of the texture generation (I've tried with bullseye and buster image with latest update). I suppose I should use the legacy version of the game ( which isn't available through steam anymore apparently) and not the "definitive" one ().
PS: the texture generation works well with GTA III, I cannot excluded a file's corruption in Vice City data but as far I can check they seems to be all right.