Is The Gp32 Age Ending?

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Since day 1, we've all known the answers..

Gamepark is killing GP32.
Tapwave is killing Zodiac.

Easy :)

(Gamepark for having not enough money to be useful or get real companies, and for being stupid sometimes like with the BLU+)

(Tapwave isn't stupid, they just have no money to attract real game companies when they need to, and theres no easy free dev tools so as to get newbies into homebrew)

GP32 Scene has LOTS of life left. Have you not saw all them games just released from the Adic 2004 Comp ??????? They Kick Ass!!!

zodiac is nice looking, but nothing can beat a GP32 (Well Except a PSP :p)
"Is the GP32 age ending" - don't ask stupid questions. The GP32 has always been about its community and its "open-source" commitment and attractions. Anybody (well, most) who have so far purchased a GP32 definately haven't done so for the vast quantities of great commercial games out for it.

Therefore, YOU and me, and all of us ARE the GP32 - the age ends when WE want it to and stop using and developing for our wonderful machines - and that includes the person who asked this question.

So obviously, use your own brain and you will know that that you are asking yourself whether or not you will buy another machine over a GP - only you can answer that. As for me, I don't think any machine available yet offers the same level of 'open-sourceness' and attraction that the GP32 does. As long as we keep the community alive, the GP will do fine.
I own both, a GP32 BLU and a Zodiac 2.

They both work fine, and I've yet to catch one trying to kill the other.
man I'd lock this thread if I could...though its cool to see how positive everybody gets about the gp32_console when a troll appears :D
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But guys what about the Zodiac3 that Jr2Swiss leaked the specs of? That is sure to kill are gp32.
You know, I have the GP32 - 3 lying right before me... awesome specs, too bad, there doesn't exist a single program for it yet ;)
I own both, a GP32 BLU and a Zodiac 2.

They both work fine, and I've yet to catch one trying to kill the other.

I found mine lying on top of each other one day.. :huh:

Errmm... you know... lying on top of each other doesn't always have something to do with killing... you could do... other... stuff... ahem...

Where do you think the Gizmondo came from?
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I own both, a GP32 BLU and a Zodiac 2.

They both work fine, and I've yet to catch one trying to kill the other.

I found mine lying on top of each other one day.. :huh:

Errmm... you know... lying on top of each other doesn't always have something to do with killing... you could do... other... stuff... ahem...

Where do you think the Gizmondo came from?

Haha :)
That's a good one :)

Anyways, that's enough for this discussion :)
Thanks for not flaming, the community is really cool :)

LOL'ed! :)
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