logo idea by comradekingu is logo idea

Sure, and just for our reference, the examples including #21 are back on page 6, here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/14923-logo-idea-by-comradekingu-is-logo-idea/page-6#entry307420

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I'm really liking those versions w/ #21. The top 2 red versions especially. I also really love that top green version. Those 2 shades of green look really good together in that logo.

-God Ginrai
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^^ Nice, but I'm seeing eyra again - and its bothering me that the R's diagonal leg is too short.
I see what you're saying about Seeing "eyra", however, I believe that notch on the P makes for a much less convincing E than we saw in previous attempts at ambigrams.

As for the R's diagonal leg being short, do you mean in relation to the top part of the R that points?

-God Ginrai
Do you mean the leg of [R] being too short like this, I too think would look better longer, perhaps like this


Maybe with the angles at the end though running in line with the outside shape might be better, like the one on the right there
It's the energy levels... They escaped :)

Forgst that one then. Tried running the line down but given recent thoughts it's best not to do that.

Probably best as is

Here is a version that is numbered to reference which line is which by.  Sequential as in the number i they would need to be drawn in to be perfect. The current one is hand drawn, along those lines, and deals with angles in a "yes that looks right" fashion, with lots of small edits to adjust. Ill have a go at it tomorrow, but if someone can come up with the recipie that doesnt involve me going "ummmm", that would be great.
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Do you mean the leg of [R] being too short like this, I too think would look better longer, perhaps like this


Maybe with the angles at the end though running in line with the outside shape might be better, like the one on the right there
Rather than extend the leg the full length, why not try extending it only far enough that it matches with the pointed part of the R. Then just put the notch right there.

-God Ginrai
^^ Nice, but I'm seeing eyra again - and its bothering me that the R's diagonal leg is too short.
How about this?



EDIT: I numbered my variation as G21 (God Ginrai's variation of 21) so it can be referenced in discussions.

-God Ginrai
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can you make it so that it reads PYRA up down left right?  This could add another meaning: "PYRA connects 4 corners of the world"   :)
can you make it so that it reads PYRA up down left right?  This could add another meaning: "PYRA connects 4 corners of the world"   :)
People are having enough trouble creating an ambigram out of the word Pyra... You really think anyone could come up w/ a good logo that reads four ways?

-God Ginrai
What if all the bits that make it look like a box, were the same colour? i.e the left tip at the top of the Y and the bit on the top of the R etc (if that makes sense..)
What if all the bits that make it look like a box, were the same colour? i.e the left tip at the top of the Y and the bit on the top of the R etc (if that makes sense..)
I wonder if that wouldn't make the logo too complex. :\ It also might hurt readability of the letters.

-God Ginrai
I like it too, the little leg extension and the way you've cut the ends with a vertical angle is nice
