Magic Sam
Forever Homebrew
Hi all !
I have compiled NetHack 3.6.1 on the Pandora
Grab it on the Repo while it's hot !
New in build #1
- NetHack 3.6.1 (TTY / ncurses version) from git on March the 5th, 2017
- Followed the NewInstall.unx procedure
- Used Bison / Flex instead of YACC / Lex
- Compiled with @ptitSeb 's latest beta Code::Blocks (didn't use the default CFLAGS though) (fixed in build #4 ?)
- Terminal emulator is XFCE's Terminal
-Original source code is in the PND (removed it)
-Add an icon and some previews (fixed in build #2)
-Make the icon transparent (alpha layer) (fixed in build #2)
-Improve the description field (I had to trim it down, as it made the XML parser crash) (fixed in build #2)
- Add all graphical ports (X11, GTK, Qt) to the PND
-Add only my diffs to the src directory (fixed in build #2)
-Add some documentation (man pages, guide book) (fixed in build #3)
- Fine tune file permissions in appdata directory (some files are no longer chmod 600) (fixed in build #4 ? )
-Reduce the size of the package (~100MB) (removed the complete source code)
- Install the binaries and the configuration files in separate directories (INSTDIR vs VARDIR) (fixed in build #4 ? ) --> leads to more issues with the nethack script...
- Add "contact local support" details (see:
-Turn "autopickup" OFF by default ? (OPTIONS=!autopickup in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
-Colors ? (OPTIONS=color in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
-Use the d-pad to move around ? (won't fix)
-Make NetHack ask for the player's name ? (OPTIONS=name: player in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
-Provide a default .nethackrc for the Pandora ? (fixed in build #2)
-The game sometimes overlaps the menu at the bottom of the screen ? (setting Terminal to fullscreen seems to solve the issue) (fixed in build #3)
- Find a way to share bones files within the community ?
-Add hilite_pet and hilite_status to .nethackrc (fixed in build #4)
EDIT: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated
Cheers, Magic Sam
I have compiled NetHack 3.6.1 on the Pandora

Grab it on the Repo while it's hot !
New in build #1
- NetHack 3.6.1 (TTY / ncurses version) from git on March the 5th, 2017
- Followed the NewInstall.unx procedure
- Used Bison / Flex instead of YACC / Lex
- Compiled with @ptitSeb 's latest beta Code::Blocks (didn't use the default CFLAGS though) (fixed in build #4 ?)
- Terminal emulator is XFCE's Terminal
- Add all graphical ports (X11, GTK, Qt) to the PND
- Fine tune file permissions in appdata directory (some files are no longer chmod 600) (fixed in build #4 ? )
- Install the binaries and the configuration files in separate directories (INSTDIR vs VARDIR) (fixed in build #4 ? ) --> leads to more issues with the nethack script...
- Add "contact local support" details (see:
- Find a way to share bones files within the community ?
EDIT: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated
Cheers, Magic Sam
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