Ordered in 2009, wondering how long I still have to wait?


Still Fresh
Jul 27, 2012
When I orderd I expected a wait of no more then a fer months. It's been years! And the news section gives me no idea when I'll get my Pandora.

Can any knowlageable forum user give me a semi accuate idea at all?

I've emailed them and all I get is very vage replies. I'm not sure who even has my order.

There is 1000 remaining original preorders to still be sent out.The sale of 3 premium pandoras funds the cost of sending out 1 original preoerder.Receipt of the original preorders depends on sales of premium pandoras. You can upgrade and pay more to get a premium pandora now though.There is also 1ghz pandoras ie faster etc and these will also be available in larger quantities soon.If you can afford it the premium option is good.you get double ram and the new platinum and stronger case/housing.
I really don't get it. I thought my paying for my Pandora funded the cost of my Pandora. Why do they now need to sell 3000 to send out the 1000 left. Where did the money go for my Pandora. But wait, If i can get a refund then that means they have my money to make and ship my Pandora? What a cluster F*ck. Looks like these guys are taking vacations and living off the money they got from preorders. The options sound so retarded. Ether spend more money now and get a Pandora sooner but we still can't tell you when, could be years, or cancel and get a refund on a credit card that expired 2 years ago. Nice.
Since instead of spending my money on a Pandora they spent it on building the business I should get a cut of that business. This hole this is so shady.
Well, you may want to read up in the newssection a bit, why this all happened.

One thing is sure, they are NOT making holidays from any Pandoramoney.

A long story short: Either it is this way or they would need to file insolvency where you loose your money completely and no money will be refunded. So what is better? You can still wait and get the Pandora for the cheap prize you paid years ago, whethe time comes or get a refund. If your creditcard expired, you should be able to sort that out with them and tell them to send the money to another account.

Edit: I can understand everyone who doesn't like the situation, but the money wasn't really used to fund a business, as the business existed before.

It is a long story of companies f***ing up production etc.
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Basically many events happened, none of which are your fault. And instead of curling up into a ball, and calling it quite OpenPandora is still shipping and gradually making a dent in the original preorders.

You are not expected to like the situation... none of us do.

But they are still doing their best to get Pandoras out to people and people are receiving Pandoras.
I know that feel fortisq... I barely even play games any more. (the reason I purchased the thing).

If it's any consolidation, the pandora you will (if you wait) get will have twice the ram as the one you payed for.

this page may be of interest: http://pandorawiki.org/Production_Timeline.