Pandora PNDManager

Hi again,

I've made a quick test by copying all my PNDs from /media/EXT3/pandora to /media/FAT32/pandora (both partitions are on the same SD card). Both pndmanager and milky work fine with FAT32 partition: they are able to scan all my PNDs and fill local.db with that data. Moving PNDs back to EXT3 partition fucks up everything again.

FYI, /media/FAT32 is the mountpoint for /dev/mmcblk0p1 and /media/EXT2 is the mountpoint for /dev/mmcblk0p2
Unless it's about permissions, I have no idea why ext3 would be an issue. I use both ext2 and fat32 myself with no issues.
If it's permission issues, I think pndrun out file should have warnings about that.

I have tested on both EXT3 and EXT4 and it should work fine.
Thanks for being so reactive! Unfortunately, the new versions (milky and PNDManager don't solve my issue. Here are the logs:
I am seeing at least some file permission issues there like

mkdir: cannot create directory `interfaces/CustomPNDManager': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory `interfaces/CustomPNDManager': Permission denied
Is there a way to find out the complete path where this directory is meant to be created? I looked for a directory named "interfaces" and I don't seem to have it on my SD card.
Urm, I'm experiencing something really weird. I'm currently updating Firefox, PNDManager and Wagic, and the download speeds are going negative and the "downloaded size" decreases.

I cancelled the FF and Wagic updates and PNDManager downloaded properly; and after restarting PNDManager, FF and Wagic seem to be downloading okay, so the issue might be fixed, but thought I'd still post it for reference
Compiled the new version under Slackware:


rm -rf /tmp/build/*
cd /root/jansson/
mkdir target
cd target
make CC=distcc
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/build
cd /tmp/build
makepkg -c y /tmp/pndmanager-jansson-$DATE-arm-1.tgz
upgradepkg --install-new /tmp/pndmanager-jansson-*-arm-1.tgz

rm -rf /tmp/build/*
cd /root/panorama/
rm -rf target/
mkdir target
cd target
export LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="C"
autoreconf -i
CC="distcc gcc" CXX="distcc g++" cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
CC="distcc gcc" CXX="distcc g++" make
#make CC=distcc
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/build
cd /tmp/build
ln -s /usr/share/panorama/interfaces /tmp/build/usr/bin/
makepkg -c y /tmp/pndmanager-$DATE-arm-1.tgz
upgradepkg --install-new /tmp/pndmanager-2*-arm-1.tgz

I have a black screen.

Got this too:

$ panorama

(process:9201): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
static bool QDeclarativeMetaType::isModule(const QByteArray&, int, int) Qt 4.7 import detected; please note that Qt 4.7 is directly reusable as QtQuick 1.x with no code changes. Continuing, but startup time will be slower.
Settings are saved in "/home/ls/settings.cfg"

/usr/bin should be /usr/share/panorama/interfaces... as it is in my package.
Ah crap, realized that parts of the log are missing thanks to the board software :/.

Anyway, seems it's working now, i don't get it.
I have installed PM a while ago and after installing, programs with PM the programs didn't show in minimenu/xfce. The only method of starting a program was through PM. So recently tried to upgrade and still the same behaviour (also after removing appdata).
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The mechanism for the PNDs to appear in minimenu/xfce is entirely separate from PNDManager. PNDManager just saves the files to correct locations and it's up to the PND system daemons to detect them and add the entries. No idea why they wouldn't.
PND manager had the issue while I wasn't having problems with PND store. Is there a log file or something else I can check?
That's could be just blind luck that you didn't download any pnds which had bad category's through pnd store it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with pnd man per say. More likely is its just a coincidence.
PND manager had the issue while I wasn't having problems with PND store. Is there a log file or something else I can check?
First check that the PND was actually downloaded (and is in the correct place).

Then check whether there is a file in /usr/share/applications corresponding to the app. I fyou have many,

grep -iR <partial name of app> /usr/share/applications

might be helpful. If there isn't, reboot. If there still isn't there is something unexpected with the PXML.

If there is, you can open the file and check the actual categories where it should appear.