Pandora PNDManager

Yup I gathered that! how about a cancel button or mapping Esc to cancel out of the grey screen :)

I suppose it's more of a suggestion than a bug report hehe
maybe ask user if they want to turn on wifi (or USB host) before starting download..?
I was using PNDManager about a week ago and whenever I would try to install something, PNDManager would just crash to the desktop. Then I realized my internet had gone down in between installing and testing some apps. I would definitely be good to show that there is no internet access.
How about filtering so that, by default, It only shows apps you have installed when offline?

Not sure if I really like this idea, but its worth putting out there, I think...
How about filtering so that, by default, It only shows apps you have installed when offline?
The first (=leftmost) screen is called "Installed", and is exactly what you are asking for:

It only shows the installed apps, by name or update (and in an upcoming version also by install date).
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^ I know that. I meant that the UI could change depending on weather an Internet connection was available to download new stuff

Generally, The interface seems overly based around available apps - maybe have checkboxes for installed and/or not installed

also an option of each app's page for menu, desktop, both would be great (would move file)

still an awesome piece of software, though :)
I tried to run PNDStore, and it found an update of SunVox that PNDManager wasn't showing... now I don't remember exactly the string of the version, but in the old one there was something like "17b.something" vs the new "172.something" if this can help... it is not the first time this happens
I was using PNDManager about a week ago and whenever I would try to install something, PNDManager would just crash to the desktop. Then I realized my internet had gone down in between installing and testing some apps. I would definitely be good to show that there is no internet access.

Were you able to fix this? PNDManager crashes on me when I try to sync or install apps. Wifi quality on my unit got down to useless (constant disconnects, having to restart, running for a minute or two) after an hour or two of use and PNDManager didn't seem to like the poor connection.
I don't have a problem usually. I bought a wifi dongle so that I could have reliable wifi. My pandora would not stay connected to my router at home with the built in wifi.
Bug report: Download stalling issue again […]
I was using PNDManager about a week ago and whenever I would try to install something, PNDManager would just crash to the desktop. Then I realized my internet had gone down in between installing and testing some apps. I would definitely be good to show that there is no internet access.
Were you able to fix this? PNDManager crashes on me when I try to sync or install apps. Wifi quality on my unit got down to useless (constant disconnects, having to restart, running for a minute or two) after an hour or two of use and PNDManager didn't seem to like the poor connection.

So far the official answer is:

PNDManager currently has no idea about the wifi status. Some kind of timeout could be added, but meanwhile the workaround is simple: don't start PNDManager without a wifi connection :P
aunching right from app listings

Currently: One must first enter the app details ( B ), from there one can launch the app (ENTER).

Suggestion: ENTER in any aipp listing launches the app right away. This way PNDManager gets closer to versatile launcher, with the freedom to launch apps from different sortings: By name (search), category, rating, recentness, etc. If the selected and launched app is locally installed, it gets launched, else you get a warning dialogue "The app is not installed." Ok (and dismiss) (X) | (Show me app) Details ( B ) | Install (Y)
This is a conscious decision. PNDManager is not a launcher. The launch functionality is very bare bones and intended for testing new PNDs, not running them as a normal use case. If I'll do a launcher it will be separate for many reasons.
Even if "launcher" is just a sub feature, it would be nice if it was available anywhere, at least secretly: ENTER works, but no hinting "ENTER to launch" icon there. If the selected app is locally installed, it launches, if it is a remote app, nothing happens. PLEAZE !!! :rolleyes: Honestly this is an egoistic wish. But as an interaction designer I can argue: Launching is necessary for the process "discover, install, test, consider to keep/remove" and not generally, thus within the detail vie, it is sufficing. Don't overload the UI with it. Nevertheless, if your pro users can access it with a direct key command, which does not interfere with the general logic or cause confusion, then why not give it to them?!
I kindly ask you again to enable ENTER for launching at all places, though displaying the GUI-hint-button for launching only at the places you consider adequate.

At least allow enabling it through the config-file. Some user's would love to use PNDManager as a launcher (with the other functions used on demand). Feel appreciated!  :D

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I'll put some more work into Panorama and PNDManager if someone gets me a C++11 enabled cross compile toolchain with a working Qt5 build for pandora to make it more interesting to work on :P
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Putting in "ENTER for launching" to all views, or putting away the "ENTER for launching" restriction from certain views — whichever way you designed it — is so hard that you require a new toolchain? How are the chances that you add that little feature without a new toolchain?
No, it's not. But getting back into making it, setting up dev environments and putting the sun and the moon into correct positions so I can compile with the custom Qt build without the cross compile chain wandering into my system libs and stuff is. It takes surprisingly long to do a small thing like that. I could do the QML changes in 10 minutes, but it usually takes at least 1-2 afternoons to actually get anything into PND and tested. Also I'm a bit hesitant to get back to PNDManager to do just that one request. There are qutie a few others and I'd rather not play favorites :) . This is why I'd like some genuine interest to work on it before I do. First it was out of necessity and competition, but now both have passed (works for me and compo is gone). I need a new source of motivation to devote my little free time to making features I'll probably never use, when I could be making something that interests me now and challenges me to learn new stuff.
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I understand!

In order to get motivated, you could re-read through this forum-thread and re-find some cool yet unimplemented feature suggestions or unfixed bugs.

The one I poked at, was just one, but I remember some more from myself (i.e. disable tabswitch hotkey in comment view to allow the shoulderbuttons to work as SHIFT and CONTROL) and other users as well. Maybe you'll get motivated  ;)
Hello B-Zar!

So I just got my Pandora, finally! One of the first bits of software I installed was, of course, your PNDManager.

I was shocked at how good this software was. It really presented itself well. In my mind, your software helps define the Pandora experience!

Platforms need that, they need applications that are appealing, and not just games, but maintenance tools as well.

Your PNDManager has become one of the key parts of the Pandora experience. When I show my Panda to people, I show them your awesome piece of software.

I really hope you continue working on it and iterating on it. You have already done an excellent job so far!

I do have a bug/small request, but I can hold off that until you feel the motivation flow again.
Thanks for praising Pandora System Info :) , but back on topic:

I'll put some more work into Panorama and PNDManager if someone gets me a C++11 enabled cross compile toolchain with a working Qt5 build for pandora to make it more interesting to work on :P
If cross compilation is not essential (you can always ssh into your pandora if you want to dev with a big screen and keyboard, only downside is slower compilation but I don't think PNDManager itself would take that long to compile on the Pandora), then Code::Blocks at least contains a sufficiently recent gcc (4.7.2 according to the repo description) for C++11, but it only has Qt4.8.4. I guess you could compile Qt5 yourself (or ask p'titSeb to compile it), although that probably takes quite some time.
_wb_: good to know. I could work with that. I haven't really looked into the code::blocks PND (I assume that's what you mean?), but that sounds promising. I could try to compile some of my C++11 stuff with it to see if it fits the bill.

Getting Qt to compile (at least in the later 4.8.x versions, using ivanovic's toolchain because yactfeau had old gcc) for pandora has been a huge PITA (to get right), though I guess it would be somewhat simpler if using an actual environment instead of cross compiling. It would take a lot of time, possibly days, to compile though :D . Distcc would probably be an ideal solution here. With a good workflow (normal: dev on desktop, git pull to pandora, compile, test -or- bug hunt/release testing: ssh/scp to pandora, tweak, test, patch git + create PND + release) I'd probably be less hesitant to do stuff on it. That wouldn't mean fulfilling all hopes and wishes and spending all available dev time on it, but at least the small stuff and bug fixes.

Regarding Qt5 I actually think Panorama and PNDManager would benefit from it a lot. The new graphics system should be quite a bit more performant and actually threaded (less UI hangups). The more modular design should allow for a more fine-grained cherry-picking of Qt libraries resulting in smaller PND size -> shorter loading time. Moving Panorama and the UIs (PNDManager for one) to Qt5's QML2 and SceneGraph would be quite a bit of work, but it's work I'd actually be willing and interested to do :) . Optimally I'd like to see Qt5 in the firmware. There's a good reason some of the latest mobile platforms like sailfish and ubuntu touch have picked it.