

Still Fresh
Mar 15, 2007
Hi All,
I see there is a new version of the above PSX emulator out, and I am really looking forward to having a go! Not tried it before.

Can someone tell me what to look for in a game image? It's all rather confusing looking at all the stuff around on the net, which seems to have no consistent format. Or is it still possible to buy PSX disks anywhere, and if so how would I get them into a format usable by the emulator?

And finally, am I missing something really obvious but I can't find so much as a readme.txt file for docs?

Clues for the clueless gratefully received!
In a psx emulator you need to look for img or iso images this is what is accepted by gp2x emulator and don't forget you need to put the bios file called scph2001 it goes in the same place as .gpe file, are you having trouble finding psx games on the net if yes please let me know i can help you where to find them from.
OK, I got Gran Turismo 2 to load up, but it was more than a bit painful to navigate, and not really playable.

Has anyone made a lit of games that work well?
Try these games they do work almost full speedhere is the list:

1)ridge racer
2)street fighter collection 2
3)tekken 3
4)resident evil 3
5)crash bandicoot
6)dead or alive

these games do run and very good compatibility.
What are you smoking?

The only game on your list that could even remotely be considered "almost full speed" is Resident Evil 3, and that is exaggerating a lot (it's tolerable/playable but NOT fullspeed).
Unless of course your GP2X is capable of overclocking to say 380: it can't can it?

For some "almost fullspeed" games that I've tried:
-Abes Oddysee
-Blast Radius

There's more (mainly 2D games) but these two I've tried recently so they're fresh in my mind.