Smoke in Western US

looks like what I would imagine the sky to be like after a huge volcanic eruption. eery.
Damn, I'd rather take on the VW diesels.

Swinging a big, wet towel for a while helps clear a room from floating particles BTW.
This news made SOTT Seems that saharan sand (which provides soil nutrients) is a factor too.

Reminds me of the summer of the great Yellow Stone fire. Where my parents live there is always wild fires this time of year, it is the cost of living near pine forests and mountains. I kinda miss the smell of the fires as funny as that sounds, it makes me think of slip n' slides, popcicles, and rafting down the canal on a raft me and my friends made out of fence posts. This smoke is from wild fires, right?
This smoke is from wild fires, right?
I certainly hope so... they produce PYRAcumulus clouds...
