The Caring Corner :)

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Well its passed the 3 month mark and we are past the danger zone so we started telling everyone about the baby to be.   We had the genetic testing and what not and the risk of anything bad was astronomically low, the genetic Councillor said the results don't get much better than that. Hooray for good genes I suppose.

Anyways I am off to the UK for work which is making my gf a bit sad, I will also be going to Paris and Amsterdam for a bit of a holiday as well.  

Things are so hectic lately.
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Well its passed the 3 month mark and we are past the danger zone so we started telling everyone about the baby to be.   We had the genetic testing and what not and the risk of anything bad was astronomically low, the genetic Councillor said the results don't get much better than that. Hooray for good genes I suppose.

Anyways I am off to the UK for work which is making my gf a bit sad, I will also be going to Paris and Amsterdam for a bit of a holiday as well.  

Things are so hectic lately.

You won't get to travel a lot for a long time when the baby is there, so enjoy your trips.
Well its passed the 3 month mark and we are past the danger zone so we started telling everyone about the baby to be.   We had the genetic testing and what not and the risk of anything bad was astronomically low, the genetic Councillor said the results don't get much better than that. Hooray for good genes I suppose.

Anyways I am off to the UK for work which is making my gf a bit sad, I will also be going to Paris and Amsterdam for a bit of a holiday as well.  

Things are so hectic lately.

You won't get to travel a lot for a long time when the baby is there, so enjoy your trips.
Yeah I will try to,  this is work though so I only get to spend a couple of days in Paris and Amsterdam.  Oh well better than nothing I suppose.
@ kasp: Awww congratulations! :D

(Oh and don't let people tell you you won't be able to travel much when you have a baby - it's not true :) )
(Oh and don't let people tell you you won't be able to travel much when you have a baby - it's not true :) )
Well you certainly can travel. But it doesn't mean you should. Believe me, taking a bodily waste spouting noise bundle on a 14 hour inter-continental flight is slightly less fun than the least fun you could ever have.

But you can't help but love the little blighters.

Mine's 8 now and we've been doing summer holiday stuff since Monday. Exhausting!

They're also a fabulous excuse to buy all those LEGO models you've been lusting after- if you haven't snapped already.
We have a huge support network here.  If we wanted to travel we wouldn't have to take the kid.

Anyways anyone in england who wants to catch up between the 28th and I supposed the 3rd?  I will be around letherhead but I will be around most places.

Paris I will be there the 23rd and 24th.

Amsterdam the 25th and leaving the 28th.

I quite literally know noone so it would be good if anyone wants to grab a beer and catch up, I would love to meet people.
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I am not actually sure tbh, should ask and find that out.  I am guessing it is around Thorncroft Dr.
Ok it's not as close to my work where I thought it would be but it is a few minute walk from leatherhead train station from the look of it.
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I'm away abroad for over a month atm. I was going to use the time to connect and express my spirit, by being in nature and playing my ocarina/creating music etc.

But I'm thinking it's more than that that I should do. I need to start gathering my thoughts and thinking about my life, my future, with all the things and people I want in it, and all the things and people that I don't. Cutting away dead wood and branches, as it were, so that new ones can grow.

I have also come to some realisations about certain things/people in my life, and my eyes are more open now. Things have changed for me and I've been holding onto hope for/and the past too long. I should also spend less time using the internet while I'm here, also, as I'm becoming dependant on it. A little seclusion and being reclusive might be good too.

I don't know. Anyway, this is a nice place to just dump some of my thoughts and feelings down.
^ Good to hear you're in the mood for pruning. :3

I am trading at a market today, so have internet (cell reception)

This afternoon I'll be back home where a telephone pole fell down and so I have no internet or telephone or cell reception.... who knows how long it's going to take to get fixed.

I hold no hopes for anything that existed in the past.

There are no long lost relationships or friendships for me.

My life starts today.
I tend to cut everyone off friends + family included, which isn't the healthiest thing to do. so just make sure you stop short of that and you should be fine.
Yeah, I'd agree - if you are going off grid, make sure there's a deadline, and inform your closest friends about it. It's one thing taking a couple of weeks off, but much longer and without a definite end means you can lose the grounding effects of other people, which believe it or not, are worth hanging on to.
Making music is an excellent means for expressing and exploring one's spirit, well doing so :)

I tend to lose track of time when improvising and everything else fades but the music and me. It's very nice, but can also be shocking when returning from that and noticing the environment again if it changed unexpectedly.

Some alone-time in a secluded piece of nature can be quite recreative and lead to realizations one would not have thought to be possible.
Yeah, I'd agree - if you are going off grid, make sure there's a deadline, and inform your closest friends about it. It's one thing taking a couple of weeks off, but much longer and without a definite end means you can lose the grounding effects of other people, which believe it or not, are worth hanging on to.
Meh.  Those who live alone with little to no other human contact often have my dream life.  On top of that, they are usually less nosy and don't gossip.  They take care of themselves, they do what they do, and don't usually interfere with others, so it sounds to me like they are more grounded than those ultrasocial types that live in the middle of heavily populated areas. 
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