Turning My Ipod Into A Gaming Handheld

F00 f00

Still Fresh
Dec 20, 2006

Here's a little project I just finished. Got to love the NES controller. . .

Heres the vid on youtube click it baby!
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The NES controller rules, simple and only two buttons.

There should be an authority that forces all software devs to reduce the controls to the max of the NES layout.

I am too stupid for those modern controllers with three analog sticks, 8 shoulder buttons and all that rubbish
Thanks guys. No I didnt mod a remote.
It is a simple conector (mini usb) but it dose require some soldering. Not loads though. Its fairly strait forward. The hardest part was getting hold of an iPod screwdriver.
Ipod linux is nice and works on almost all ipods. I installed it on my ipod for a couple months, but the novelty of playing pokemon on a tiny screen with a turn wheel wore off pretty fast. I just use my ipod for music now.

I was surprised when I saw your PSP SNES controller mod on PSP Updates the other day. Did you know about that?

EDIT: 2000th post. Yay--I'm a loser! :)
Yeah I did see that. I was on a load of sites for that. It was only a test really, I've got a ps2 controller version in the works, you can see the psp atatched to it in the vid.

The iPod things been the most popular thing I've done though.
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