Whether or not Pyra logos look like other things and Feminism.


Nihilistic Mystic
Feb 28, 2014
It took a while for me to see the "db".  At first I saw...well, it looks a bit phallic to me.

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it looks a bit phallic to me
That actually would fit the ancient mythology theme quite well, phallic symbols were often seen as a symbol for something good.
I wasn't trying to say it is a negative that it contains that central element, but I wanted to point it out in case comradekingu didn't notice.  Some people might be offended, but I found it rather amusing since it wasn't subtle and seemed nearly intentional.
It took a while for me to see the "db". At first I saw...well, it looks a bit phallic to me.

Everything that I enjoy and appreciate in this world is completely penis free. :)
Even animals?
Whenever I get a pet, It's always female.
Not quite getting what you mean by that question?

I just don't like the look of male genitals on any creature, especially humans. and I certainly don't think they should be celebrated.

The compulsion of those who rule this planet to make phallic architecture or symbology just confirms to me that humans as a species are juvenile at best.

In fact, I have a pretty poor view of 'masculine' energy, thought processes, attitudes, and behavior altogether.

It took a while for me to see the "db". At first I saw...well, it looks a bit phallic to me.

Everything that I enjoy and appreciate in this world is completely penis free. :)
Even animals?
Whenever I get a pet, It's always female.
Not quite getting what you mean by that question?

I just don't like the look of male genitals on any creature, especially humans. and I certainly don't think they should be celebrated.

The compulsion of those who rule this planet to make phallic architecture or symbology just confirms to me that humans as a species are juvenile at best.

In fact, I have a pretty poor view of 'masculine' energy, thought processes, attitudes, and behavior altogether.

I agree with much of what you said, and feel the same way regarding many things.  While it is pretty extreme, nothing would make me happier than a drastic decrease in the human population, as I feel humans are far too destructive to allow other inhabitants of earth to survive.

There are many species where the female is dominant.  There is often aggression there too.  Why so much love for that based only on sex?

What I meant is it typically takes a male and a female to make offspring animals.  If we get rid of all the males there are no more of those animals.

Whenever I get a pet, It's always female.

Not quite getting what you mean by that question?

I just don't like the look of male genitals on any creature, especially humans. and I certainly don't think they should be celebrated.

The compulsion of those who rule this planet to make phallic architecture or symbology just confirms to me that humans as a species are juvenile at best.

In fact, I have a pretty poor view of 'masculine' energy, thought processes, attitudes, and behavior altogether.

blatantly maladjusted, sexist language...
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I agree with much of what you said, and feel the same way regarding many things. While it is pretty extreme, nothing would make me happier than a drastic decrease in the human population, as I feel humans are far too destructive to allow other inhabitants of earth to survive.

There are many species where the female is dominant. There is often aggression there too. Why so much love for that based only on sex?

What I meant is it typically takes a male and a female to make offspring animals. If we get rid of all the males there are no more of those animals.
While it would appear I am a feminist, that actually isn't so.

I just find female appearance / behaviour far less offensive 'generally'.

So, on this planet / plane of existence I encourage feminity and avoid masculinity.

(Because there is faaaar too much masculinity at present. It pervades, and dominates everything... It has become a sickness that is killing the planet).

From my perspective, a being in it's true nature is androgynous and completely balanced. All beings contain both masculine and feminine qualities. It is when there is imbalance that aggression and domination occurs. A female form doesn't automatically equate to feminine behaviour, or male form to masculine behaviour.

I have no interest in changing the planet, or how life operates in this dualistic plane of reality... I observe and experience... but will be all to happy when my 'visit' here reaches it's conclusion and I can return to my natural state of existence... which is of course sexless. ;)

... and all this because I didn't want a penis symbol on my pocket computer. o.o

=~. O =
What's masculine, feminine... I don't cope well with those old role models and where I live I wouldn't describe the women around me as what many people would consider feminine at all.

Feminism made most women extremely masculine if you use those terms.

I'm not as obsessed with role models and sex to see penises and vagoos hidden everywhere though.

For me the symbol has too many corners.
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It's really none of my business, but I can't help from feeling rather unsettled by the fact that the creator of the Pyra's logo is apparently a radical hyper-feminist, phallus-obsessed, fuzzy individual..

But then again, I guess I just shut myself down there......I've said my peace, I'll say no more on it.
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Not all beings contain both masculine and feminine qualities, there are lots of species that don't have sex differentiation at all. And all that "imbalance brings aggression and domination" is bs too.

But I think it's time to close this topic.
I just want to chip in that I didn't create the logo... that title goes to Binky. I just tweaked it. :)

Also, how did you guess that my tweaked logo was part of a secret hyper-feminist radical fuzzy agenda??? :-||


=~. O =
Damn.  My browser scarfed my post.

FaeMinx:  I agree with most of what you said, and think I understand where you are coming from even if I don't usually share your worldview as described in your second and third paragraphs.  I am sure at times I come off as a feminist in public when I point out male bias.  I think it might be gender that bothers you, not sex, except with preference for appearance.  Even that I feel similarly to you, but for different reasons.  I am pretty sure we both already know we aren't getting an overt glowing penis on our Pyras. :p

Klumpen:  Yes, thank you for pointing this out.  This is kinda what I was getting at.  I don't think there is a real pattern of masculine or feminine behavior except within certain groups.  While there may be those that we typically feel warrant this label based on culture, which may possibly come from our primate or mammalian nature, other species do not follow our patterns.

segaprophet:  I agree, it isn't any of your business.  If you don't like how other people live their lives, or have a problem with their interests or lifestyle you do not have to interact with them.  You do your thing, let everyone else do theirs.  As long as neither is hampering the privacy or freedom of others everything should be fine.

Luigi is quite masculine there, and I think even his form is a bit phallic. ;)
segaprophet:  I agree, it isn't any of your business.  If you don't like how other people live their lives, or have a problem with their interests or lifestyle you do not have to interact with them.  You do your thing, let everyone else do theirs.  As long as neither is hampering the privacy or freedom of others everything should be fine.
And that is, roughly, the basis of libertarian philosophy.