A schedule! For real! (2011 - 02 - 28)

Wait. Just wait. Please stop making people who work to much already to work even more. You waited two years, you will survive another 2 monthes. No offend, just an appeal.

Bla bla bla. Shut up.

I agree with everyone who said this is not good news and that we should get real numbers on where we are at with Batch 1. Do I have to remind you that Batch 1 isn't a fresh thing? Yes I do because half of you "GREAT NEWS ONLY TWO MONTHS MORE!" dorks must have signed up last week. Well excuse me, but another 2 months (or whatever, incomprehensibly long time given the prior stream of "good news" that seem to drop periodically and consistently between the inevitable and recurring peaks of frustration that these endless and so boring delays cause) isn't good news, it's bullshit. I think whoever goes :lol: :p :lol: B) :p B) :lol: :p :lol: every single time good news like this are brought to us is a complete and utter idiot and/or a major suck-up.

Yep, I'm tired of the wait too. Want to school me on how unpatriotic I am to the OpenSource Utopia? I don't give a shit.

While I can completely understand your point of view, anyone who has followed the project has known of it's hardships and a lot of people who are waiting have been waiting through all of these hardships and were willing to deal with them to see this thing through. So it's not exactly fair to say someone who is happy to see something positive is an idiot or a suck up just because they don't require the answers other do.
Why don't we just push the people that are really pissed off to the front of the queue ? then everyone is happy :)
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Wait. Just wait. Please stop making people who work to much already to work even more. You waited two years, you will survive another 2 monthes. No offend, just an appeal.

Bla bla bla. Shut up.

I agree with everyone who said this is not good news and that we should get real numbers on where we are at with Batch 1. Do I have to remind you that Batch 1 isn't a fresh thing? Yes I do because half of you "GREAT NEWS ONLY TWO MONTHS MORE!" dorks must have signed up last week. Well excuse me, but another 2 months (or whatever, incomprehensibly long time given the prior stream of "good news" that seem to drop periodically and consistently between the inevitable and recurring peaks of frustration that these endless and so boring delays cause) isn't good news, it's bullshit. I think whoever goes :lol: :p :lol: B) :lol: :p :lol: every single time good news like this are brought to us is a complete and utter idiot and/or a major suck-up.

Yep, I'm tired of the wait too. Want to school me on how unpatriotic I am to the OpenSource Utopia? I don't give a shit.

Just for you: :p I don't give a shit neither. Come on OP, delay Batch 1 some more monthes so that all those :angry: finally leave. Here is the door.

Sometimes I wonder: Is this your hobby or your life, naysayers???
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Wait. Just wait. Please stop making people who work to much already to work even more. You waited two years, you will survive another 2 monthes. No offend, just an appeal.

Bla bla bla. Shut up.

I agree with everyone who said this is not good news and that we should get real numbers on where we are at with Batch 1. Do I have to remind you that Batch 1 isn't a fresh thing? Yes I do because half of you "GREAT NEWS ONLY TWO MONTHS MORE!" dorks must have signed up last week. Well excuse me, but another 2 months (or whatever, incomprehensibly long time given the prior stream of "good news" that seem to drop periodically and consistently between the inevitable and recurring peaks of frustration that these endless and so boring delays cause) isn't good news, it's bullshit. I think whoever goes :lol: :p :lol: B) :p B) :lol: :p :lol: every single time good news like this are brought to us is a complete and utter idiot and/or a major suck-up.

Yep, I'm tired of the wait too. Want to school me on how unpatriotic I am to the OpenSource Utopia? I don't give a shit.

I whole heartily agree with this post.

I'm sorry ED, I'm coming for my refund. It's nothing personal, but I am pissed. Six months is a long time to wait for anything, let alone two years.

Maybe I'll come back if you have any in stock in the future.
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We're trying the best we can, don't worry, but it's not easy.

Yes, you can cancel and ask for a refund... but we can't tell CC: You're taking too long, give us back all the money we spent on all of the parts now!

Don't you think we'd do ANYTHING to make this stuff happen faster? It wouldn't make sense if WE would want to delay it...

Well, if all cancel, we're bust and most of you will neither get a Pandora nor money, you could have bare PCBs and parts, as that's where the money is in.

It would probably be better for my health as well - it would be quite a shock and who knows what troubles I will get with insolvency, but it can't be worse than Pandora production, and I surely wouldn't have to work all night and day anymore.

Well, anyways, away with such awful ideas, we still want you to get your Pandoras and are working on that :)

On a sidenote, Michael is currently in daily contact with the new guy, so one thing I know: Communication has improved A LOT :)

Next boards are scheduled to ship tomorrow.
I've resisted chipping in with another request for updates, but I have a humble suggestion that has not AFAIK been put forward before.

"There are X pandoras remaining till the end of batch 1". Updated every Friday.

Any kind of weekly update of www.openpandora.org would be an improvement. The current status date on is still 2011-02-12 and the latest blog entry is over two weeks old.
Hey Ed, do you happen to know what the amount of boards are in the next shippment?

Sorry if this was asked and posted already.

We're trying the best we can, don't worry, but it's not easy.

Yes, you can cancel and ask for a refund... but we can't tell CC: You're taking too long, give us back all the money we spent on all of the parts now!

On a sidenote, Michael is currently in daily contact with the new guy, so one thing I know: Communication has improved A LOT :)

Next boards are scheduled to ship tomorrow.
Like I've said, I don't blame you guys, much, but, the companies that you are dealing with to make these parts suck donkey balls.
I have a message for all you people who are considering cancelling due to the latest delay. We don't have a delay, there's a schedule - finally. I voiced my disgruntlement not so much cause I had lost faith I'd get a Pandora, more that I was disheartened by another PR disaster. Craig announced he expected batch 1 to be complete by end of march, now we are given a real and understandable schedule. The first one is bullshit (no offence intended) - the second one IS something we can hold people accountable to.

For those of you who read my last post, you'll know I have good reason to cancel - a better one than most of you. But I'm not going to. Like you all, I saw the Pandora is something that ticked all the right boxes for me. If you wanted it a month ago, or a year ago, or 2 years ago - then unless something fundamental in what interests you has changed, it still is the best device for you. I'd really urge you to stick with it, you will most likely regret it if you don't. You now have a schedule, production is continuing - even if it's not as sprightly as we were first led to believe - it is happening.

I'm pissed off I don't have it already, and each day that passes without it makes me more miserable. I grew up with the c64, the amiga, megadrive, PSX and other similar devices. Absolutely nothing compares with the functionality of the Pandora for letting me re-capture those great times - nothing except the original devices. I'm not kissing ass - I just want you to remember we all share the idea that the Pandora is a great idea, and an even better reality. Stick with it, and in the end we'll all get a device as timeless, and as unique as any of the hardware it can emulate. I'm sticking with it for these reasons, because ultimately I believe it will be worth it.

Finally, there's some very talented, very hard working, and very good people around here. All of us have days where stuff gets on top of us, and we need to vent steam - and we sure do have a right to. I am slightly dismayed at how quickly the words of one person becomes the words of a few then a lot and then suddenly everyone feels the door's been opened and it becomes a bandwagon. I don't regret having said anything I posted earlier, but I do hope that it hasn't disheartened others and caused anyone to act rashly. We've all made our irritation known, its time to move on now.

The people making the Pandora are human, they've taken a bit of a bashing from us. They've taken a financial pummeling, countless knee's in the balls from the legislator Murphy (the bastard) and still they are working to make Pandoras. If you have to cancel for personal reasons, please do so with good grace - but it's time for the rest of us, the majority of us to reaffirm our support of the project and give heart to an understandably fatigued group of great people. So suck it up, the bells about to ring and round 12 is about to begin. Get out there and K.O Murphy - he's on the ropes.
Late this month, I will be 30 years of age, and in these three decades on Earth, I have seen no other technology like this device. I know many others here started using computers with far less capable technology than my 8086 Laser Turbo XT with a CGA monitor. To be able to emulate so many computer systems on-the-go in addition to having access to a beautiful pocket computer with a usable desktop is truly a grand affair.

From batch 2, I pre-ordered one for myself and one for my fiancée. She talks about it every day. We watch Pandora videos for fun. We are both patiently waiting for as long as necessary. All of us who have chips on the table should stick together. I am very excited about the Pandora. I encourage and ask everyone to keep your patience carefully guarded, because this may be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to use such a neat machine.
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Once again I have my weekly visit to the Pandora boards, just to see if anything has happened. And I guess the biggest thing is that there are more people who simply want answers. I can't believe that it's really that hard to knock up an SQL or whatever query which will just give a "how many orders have shipped" query. That would satisfy most people on here, I think. The wait is maddening, the ridiculous multi-queue system was always going to be a disaster (they should have been individual shops working within a single master queue so that units were allocated by time of ordering), but it's the lack of information that is the biggest problem; granted there is more info than there has been in the past, but it's still missing something important:

Hard figures.

With that, the problem would largely go away.

Don't make the same mistake again, folks, people will be less forgiving in future, and you are all intelligent guys. A decent system for ordering wouldn't be rocket science to set up, and would mean all this stuff (and no doubt a lot of Jacqueline's workload) would be automatic and not an issue.

PS - there's no way on earth Batch 1 will be complete by the end of March. It's March the 4th already. It will be at least the end of April; I'm saying more like May. And that's with my Positive head on.
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I can't believe that it's really that hard to knock up an SQL or whatever query which will just give a "how many orders have shipped" query.
ED's already brought up twice why he can't do that. It's not supported directly by the software he uses, he'd have to go through manually which he doesn't have time for, or he'd have to write a script to do it which he doesn't have the time or skill for and if you suggest he trust what effectively amounts to a stranger on the internet with his extremely sensitive customer information then I'll kindly you ask for your home address and promise not to do anything unsavory with it ;)
ED's already brought up twice why he can't do that. It's not supported directly by the software he uses, he'd have to go through manually which he doesn't have time for, or he'd have to write a script to do it which he doesn't have the time or skill for and if you suggest he trust what effectively amounts to a stranger on the internet with his extremely sensitive customer information then I'll kindly you ask for your home address and promise not to do anything unsavory with it ;)
Would it be possible for someone (from the community) to create a query template based on the DB schema (at least older versions of ED's store system's DB schemas seem to be freely viewable) with "insert pandora item ID here" type fields? That way nobody but ED would need to access the DB, but constructing the actual query would be done for him. We could even peer review it before it's run so no one can pull off any practical jokes or malicious pranks.
ED's already brought up twice why he can't do that. It's not supported directly by the software he uses, he'd have to go through manually which he doesn't have time for, or he'd have to write a script to do it which he doesn't have the time or skill for and if you suggest he trust what effectively amounts to a stranger on the internet with his extremely sensitive customer information then I'll kindly you ask for your home address and promise not to do anything unsavory with it ;)
Would it be possible for someone (from the community) to create a query template based on the DB schema (at least older versions of ED's store system's DB schemas seem to be freely viewable) with "insert pandora item ID here" type fields? That way nobody but ED would need to access the DB, but constructing the actual query would be done for him. We could even peer review it before it's run so no one can pull off any practical jokes or malicious pranks.

Well, sure, but that would only work for my queue and not for Craigs.
I just think they should update the current status on a more frequent basis. I would think it is a quick thing to do, and it will inspire more confidence in current customers as well as show new customers that pandoras are being produced and shipped. tomorrow it will be three hole weeks without any curent status update at all, even though this is where we are told to go for updates. so even if i dont share the frustration, i understand it.

as a first batcher from late 2009, I´m still waiting patiently and have no intentions of cancelling, but an update to the current status page regularly would be nice and probably reduce the "whats the current status" posts a bit.