Cebit Video


Active Member
May 16, 2009
Where is it? There was a guy with a huge camera according to this photo:
This was answered in the existing thread earlier;

Gruso said:
Apparently some was taken, but we don't have it yet. I'd say Screeny or Mali will be the first to let us know when it appears on the German boards.

As far as I'm aware, this still applies. :)

EDIT: Ninja'd. Apparently it doesn't still apply! Good to hear. :D
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As I understood it, we are still waiting for the "Radio Tux" footage. The article in Media Reports is from "Golem".
I'm currently encoding and will start uploading tonight.
Not sure if I find the time to finish all parts today, but the rest will follow tomorrow :)
ED has said, that he would make the Video on Monday, because it is in HD and he would cut it whit the presentation in on video:

Evildragon said:
Der Vortrag war eine Stunde und ist in FullHD gedreht :)
Zudem muss ich den schneiden, damit man auch das sieht, was auf der Leinwand ist.
Werde ich morgen machen, aber alleine das Encodieren in H264 dauert ein paar Stunden :)

Ich hoffe, dass dann morgen oder übermorgen alles Online geht.

My link

Edit: hoppla, EvilDragon was quite Faster!!!, Hellolo!!

(and i have a problem wiht the Quote, why???)
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peca said:
Thanks a lot. Link for guys who don't use proprietary flash player:
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matzesu said:
(and i have a problem wiht the Quote, why???)
These forums use a different format
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EvilDragon said:
Not sure if I find the time to finish all parts today, but the rest will follow tomorrow :)
I would appreciate it if you would English all the parts instead. I suspect fewer people here speak Finnish :p
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WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
Not sure if I find the time to finish all parts today, but the rest will follow tomorrow :)
I would appreciate it if you would English all the parts instead. I suspect fewer people here speak Finnish :p

Finnish would help, German would be easier.
But subtitling 1 hour... well, I don't have time for that, but if anybody wants to do it, fire away :)
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Nightwheel said:
Hey ED, is there a chance you could grace Engadget with your presence at CeBit? I'm sure they would love to get their hands on a Pandora to test it out. And I'm kinda interested in what they think about it.

The CeBIT is over since Saturday...
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Nightwheel said:
Hey ED, is there a chance you could grace Engadget with your presence at CeBit? I'm sure they would love to get their hands on a Pandora to test it out. And I'm kinda interested in what they think about it.

Yeah, I told ED about that on Friday. Probably should have sent Engadget an email, now that I think about it. Oh well.
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I just treated the video like I normally would a book. I don't understand a word of it, but the pictures were pretty!!

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Awesome. Looking forward to watching these later - I don't have half an hour to spare ATM. :D

Wish there was some way we could get these subtitled/translated.
Very shallow summary:
  • Stuff about open handhelds in general.
  • Stuff about how ED came into the scene, aka first as a general user, then as a retailer, then as the key person for the german community.
  • The history of GP32 and GP2X, aka how GP released the original device to compete with the GBA, how they used a common storage card format because they wanted to save money, then the community came in and started writing stuff for the device because of the common storage format, etc... Then, the split pf GP→GPH, the newer, more open-source devices, etc. Basically a history lesson that most of us in this forum already know.
  • Info about the Pandora, how it came up as an April fools joke (well not really but you know the story, why do I explain this? :p), the community came with lots of ideas, and ED announced that he wanted to create the Pandora (you all know the thread "Our New Device" (or is that the name?))
  • Summary of how difficult it was to create the Pandora, but that the community always stayed loyal etc.
  • Info about the Dingoo etc, and how it's inferior to the Pandora (kinda :p )
  • Explanation why open devices are superior, because they have open SDKs, communities, open application marketplaces, etc.

In other words, nothing new for us, but interesting nonetheless.