Credit Card Orders

Personally I'm ready to re-order as soon as the credit card processing gets sorted out. I just hope I can still 'keep my place in line', as I was pretty early with placing my order originally, and I think its not really cool that we CC ordering people are being treated as 'second class citizens', in a way .. but hey .. we shall see how it all PANS out in the end, eh? :)
don't think of it as losing 15 bucks, think of it of the price of the Pand going up because of the exchange rate. It sucks but it's not anyone's fault but the economy.
I wonder if I'm the last person on the planet to receive a refund... I got the "action required" e-mail on November 30, and still haven't seen any money on my Visa card.
Robster said:
I wonder if I'm the last person on the planet to receive a refund... I got the "action required" e-mail on November 30, and still haven't seen any money on my Visa card.
Reply to the email - it's about the length of time that you should have seen it. (If you haven't checked, make sure the credit hasn't been backdated.)
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lobski said:
So we're pretty sure that the reorder page will be up before December ends, right?
Only if you mean 2009.... :D
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Squidge said:
Xanas said:
I don't even have my refund yet. If they put the CC website up and I can't reorder... this is such a stupid situation.

I don't trust anyone enough to reorder without actually seeing the refund.
You don't need to, you already have your "place in line". There's no rush to reorder as soon as the CC website is up. Just wait for your refund and reorder then (or when the website is up, whichever is the later).

And if the refund hits after the release?
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cools said:
And if the refund hits after the release?

If you are concerned, reply to your email and check your status. The busiest period should be over and they are very helpful.
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Middo said:
The way you have delivered your comments is not in a HELPFUL way. Delivered differently could make all the difference. This is not you helping.

My advice is, if you want to help, is to identify your EXPERTISE that could be helpful and present your offer for help in a NICE manner etc.

A suggestion would be for you to start a new thread called, lets say ' Suggested Proceedure for Customer Communication - Batch 2' or something like that, come up with a proceedure (using your EXPERTISE and of course lessons learnt through this process that all have witnessed) and people could add / comment on the proceedure etc. If this works, then the Team could review the list and, if your lucky, use it for the second (and subsequent) batches etc. Now this is being helpful.


This doesn't need EXPERTISE. It needs basic cluefulness. It doesn't need a committee, it doesn't need debating, there is one clear and obvious way that a company selling stuff on the internet ought to communicate with its customers. Okay, two: blog and email. These guys should know better. They're not rookies. It's pathetic.

I said nothing personal, I just made this pretty obvious observation, albeit with considerable vigour. I've also said that I admire the technical job they're doing, and the standard with which they appear to be conducting this affair financially.

This is the Internet. If you don't like people communicating vigorously, or if you don't like naughty words, go back to your cave.
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I think they figure the users who can rough this sort of stuff out are going to be here on the forum. The ones who want a cushioned ride (which is not a problem!) can stick to the information they get in the e-mail.

Really, if you do stick to what you get in the e-mail, and ignore everything else, your current status is either you paid via bank transfer already, or are waiting for a credit card re-order page, which will come if enough "roughin' it out" users do a bank transfer.

I'm not sure if this is what they're thinking, but if they are, it seems fine to me.