Donation for the Slackware for Pandora project 14.1


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
The 14.1 update 4 is now a "perfect release", every (known) bug is fixed, every feature i wanted to implement since -current is working.

It's up-to-date, with latest Slackware ARM patches including SSL fixes.

You can donate to the Slackware for Pandora project through the donation PayPal :

Go to PayPal, log in and click on "Send Money".
Donate to .

You have to include in the comment field that you're donating to the Slackware project !!!

Also, send me a PM, so i can include you in my thxlist.

This money will be re-injected in Open Pandora GmbH as stuff i buy, so you're also supporting EvilDragon's company.

Thanks in advance.

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I think because Slackware use other Libs and Libversions that not all PNDs should work,but much more than the other Releases.

I set it on my todo List to make Updates for the 4 Ways to install Slackware Thread ;)

Very good work Linux Swat,many THX from us :D
Been meaning to give this a go.

My problems with Pandian is that bluetooth doesn't work, the problem with Zaxxon is that my bluetooth keyboard seg faults the display server as well as I'm unable to get encryption working on Thunderbird 

If the majority of pnds work and the two things above work I'll send you some cash.
Around 75% pnd are working, and i'll take a look at the missing most important ones.

Now, I just have to send patches to ptitSeb for Mupen and PPSSPP as they work with a few adjustments.

100% hardware is working, and bluetooth is better handled than in Zaxxon