Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders


Currently we are about to supply orders made in january 2009, as well as some upgraded orders

I'm personally still waiting for my order from 1 Oct 2008 (~22:00PM) so I think we're a bit farther back in the queue than that. ;)
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Example: Currently we are about to supply orders made in january 2009, as well as some upgraded orders
I'm personally still waiting for my order from 1 Oct 2008 (~22:00PM) so I think we're a bit farther back in the queue than that. ;)

Thanks. Thats a bit earlier than I was hoping, but still it gives a small clue for other users how far back they are in the que.

Hopefully your order is not so far back in the que. Even better if someone that just got their pandora by a non-upgraded order could tell us when they ordered.

Then if we knew how many orders that was made between then and the following months we could make some estimates.
How many units is ED shipping you, Craig? I just found out I'm 36th in the upgrade line... that sounds like I'll be getting one soon! :D

I upgraded my Feb/2009 order two days ago. Got confirmation from Jacqueline in hours. I'm the 50th on Craigs's list. (-:
No email for me. Guess my money was good enough in October of 2008 and not good enough now that I can't afford to pay for the upgrade. A simple email is all it takes (to let me know roughly when I will be getting my Pandora), Mr Craig Rothwell !
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Oh please, pretty please with sugar and cream on top, don't let another thread devolve into a pissing session of queue/date estimates. That's one piece of forum nostalgia that can stay away.
I would liked to have gotten my upgraded order this show one of my best friends who I rarely see... but I have feeling it's going to be shipped next week... -sigh-
Guess my money was good enough in October of 2008 and not good enough now

they choose to make us assume the errors of CC.

all happened as if CC were legally untouchable. they failed and this is for customers to suffer the consequences of their errors either by paying more than initially, or by waiting until newer customers have all their unit, or by cancelling order.

it is logical, isn't it..? :lol: