Release Hotfix 6 - Alpha 1 released

Booted HF6 from SD card. Completed 1st boot wizard and played around a bit before I shutdown/powered-up again.

App icons did not show up on Desktop because default desktop icon size was 192. All icons appeared as soon as I lowered the icon size to a much smaller value (32). I don't know if I had caused this by mistake but if the default icon size really is 192 it should be made much smaller. Anyone encountered the same issue?

Hm, would be weird, nothing has been changed there yet.
ED, have you seen this topic from the other forum? I think this would be an easy way to fix the Pandora's wonky mousebuttons that make some programs unusable, and some people have other nice suggestions as well.

Possible. Will take a look at it and see how to code that.

Also, I do hope that the broken opkg that makes it difficult to code on the Pandora will be fixed eventually. Apparently a few people are working on that who never visit the forums but are only on IRC, so I wish them luck.

opkg is not broken, it's just that the Pandora didn't have its own feed yet and the feed it uses doesn't work with our outdated image.

This cannot be fixed with a Hotfix, this is the next major OS release.

Also, this annoying bug introduced in hotfix 5 is supposed to be simple to fix, at least I was told that a few months ago... any progress there?

Should already be fixed, AFAIK.

Haven't tested it yet though.

Also, did you guys figure out why Thunar is buggy? Sometimes it won't let me select anything, and I have to restart it. Very annoying for the default file browser to be buggy.

You don't have to restart it, that happens when you go to detail view (known issue since the first OS release).

The cause is also known since then, it's a bug in the old GTK+ we use.

Can also only be fixed with the next OS update, not with a hotfix.
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pandora seemed to freeze after 100 percent charge, screen was blanked but the green low power light was on. had to remove battery to restart.

will see if this happens again


seems charging in low power mode results in being unable to come out of low power mode when 100 percent is reached?

Mine did the same for me when I left it charging last night. Not sure if its @ 100% because it was down to 90% when I finally got home from work at lunch and had to hold pandora button and flip power switch to do a hard restart. No need to remove battery.

Me too I left it charging this night and had to hold pandora button and flip power to power on.
Okay, implemented the first fixes.

No need for Alpha 2 yet, but you can try these fixes out if you want :)

Download this PND here

Put it onto your SD Card (since HF6A1, you can also put it onto the root of your SD Card) and start the small updater (it's in the SYSTEM Menu).

Once it's installed, you can delete the PND. Should also work fine with SD-Installed versions of Hotfix 6a1

These are the fixes:

* enchant, aspell and libxlst added. This should fix broken apps like Midori and ClawsMail

* Included todays release of Caines Nub-Settings

* Fixed pointercal-permissions (calibrating touchscreen does now actually work)

Report back here :)

Please note: If you have a request for the new nub-configurator, do so in this thread.
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pandora seemed to freeze after 100 percent charge, screen was blanked but the green low power light was on. had to remove battery to restart.

will see if this happens again


seems charging in low power mode results in being unable to come out of low power mode when 100 percent is reached?

Mine did the same for me when I left it charging last night. Not sure if its @ 100% because it was down to 90% when I finally got home from work at lunch and had to hold pandora button and flip power switch to do a hard restart. No need to remove battery.

Me too I left it charging this night and had to hold pandora button and flip power to power on.

Interesting. Was this all in low-power mode?

Could you retry without low-power mode?
pandora seemed to freeze after 100 percent charge, screen was blanked but the green low power light was on. had to remove battery to restart.

will see if this happens again


seems charging in low power mode results in being unable to come out of low power mode when 100 percent is reached?

Mine did the same for me when I left it charging last night. Not sure if its @ 100% because it was down to 90% when I finally got home from work at lunch and had to hold pandora button and flip power switch to do a hard restart. No need to remove battery.

Me too I left it charging this night and had to hold pandora button and flip power to power on.

Interesting. Was this all in low-power mode?

Could you retry without low-power mode?

Yeah I was in low_power mode.I will try later, now

will try your fix for midori and claws mail.

Thank you

EDIT: Your fix works great,midori and claw-mail works again.

Now I will charge my pandora to test in normal mode.
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ED, have you seen this topic from the other forum? I think this would be an easy way to fix the Pandora's wonky mousebuttons that make some programs unusable, and some people have other nice suggestions as well.

Possible. Will take a look at it and see how to code that.

Please Please Please! If I were to make only one feature request for HotFix6 this would be it! +1 Million! :P
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pandora seemed to freeze after 100 percent charge, screen was blanked but the green low power light was on. had to remove battery to restart.

will see if this happens again


seems charging in low power mode results in being unable to come out of low power mode when 100 percent is reached?

Mine did the same for me when I left it charging last night. Not sure if its @ 100% because it was down to 90% when I finally got home from work at lunch and had to hold pandora button and flip power switch to do a hard restart. No need to remove battery.

Me too I left it charging this night and had to hold pandora button and flip power to power on.

Interesting. Was this all in low-power mode?

Could you retry without low-power mode?

Yeah I was in low_power mode.I will try later, now

will try your fix for midori and claws mail.

Thank you

EDIT: Your fix works great,midori and claw-mail works again.

Now I will charge my pandora to test in normal mode.

charging seems to work in normal mode okay, i seem to recall issue with low power mode in the charger setting wizard stan originally released?
For me Charging in normal mode is OK too.

Another thing:

Why can not move default firmware applications between categories on minimenu?

For example when I want move calculator from others to system it dont let me move or to a new custom category.

I want organizate my way, all I have downloaded fror Pandora apps and REPO I could organizate.

Can we will do it?


PD: Sorry my English is very poor I'm from spain :P
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How will the next total firmware install differently? Will that require a whole reflash, or just a PND? And will it take longer, etc.
What about the contents of this thread?

I'd agree with the majority of that thread ... with the exception of a web browser on NAND - it's something that I'd prefer to decide myself as to which browser I'm going to use. Oh, and I'd also not like to see an instruction document on the desktop either about how to use PNDs - that's just a lame way of getting around the fact that the default OS doesn't help you. FWIW, Craig was onto something in this regard (let's not get into what Craig was wrong about). By default, the Pandora, being a games machine should behave very much like a DS flashcart imo, with the full XFCE experience optional from the main menu.

On my NDS, roms/homebrew are dumped into the root and the menu just lists them. If the user wants to put them in other folders that's fine - if they're capable of doing that then they're capable of navigating to that folder in the menu. The Pandora does have some issues with this, though, as there are three places (four now with the root folder option) for those of us that prefer to use XFCE. This could work just fine though - again, if the user is experienced enough to want to use XFCE then they're also capable of putting their PNDs in the places they prefer. If they're not that sort of person (HakmanPlayer literally leaps to mind here), then they should stick to MiniMenu which will do it all for them.

As for getting their PNDs, we need to have PNDStore with a decent swishy UI for the less experienced - integrated into MiniMenu with no disparity in the interfaces between them - PNDStore should launch from a "app store" icon on the front page and download to the correct place automatically.

The other thing I'd like to see is a "front page" on bootup (part of MiniMenu again) which lists the PND Store and then categories (PNDStore at the very top left, and all other icons being the categories) rather than tabs. This will unclutter the UI somewhat - the tabs can be very confusing as they are now. Each category has a "back" icon at the top-left, followed by sub-categories and apps following those.

I've no idea at present how to manage PNDs this way in XFCE - maybe collect PNDs in a "Software" menu entry rather than scattering them around the menu in amongst the pre-installed NAND apps might be the way to go. It would be trivial to arrange the submenus in the Software item to mirror the same structure that minimenu uses.

By making it obvious and intuitive you don't need a document that tells people what to do.

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The problem is not with installing PNDs. That's the easy part which works fine, as you can simply put them onto the root of your SD card now, same as you do with your NDS.

Also, with PNDStore (which will also be integrated INTO MiniMenu) things get even more easy.

The problem is with games or emulators which need datafiles. You need to know where to put them.

And that's the same with your NDS Flashcart: Sure, you can put NDS or GBA roms into the root of your SD Card.

But if you put homebrew stuff that needs datafiles there (like Quake), then it won't work unless you know where to put the datafiles.

Does your flashcart recognize snes, atari st, vectrex, etc. roms when you put them into the root folder of your flashcart and play them?

I guess not.

THAT is the real issue. Installing PNDs which don't need datafiles is as easy as it is on your NDS flashcart.
Trying charging and reach 100% a few hours ago. LED still light - it should or shouldn't dim out?

EDIT: Still 100% and still lit and still little warm. Due to temperature I think that it still charging (or trickle-charging). I going to disconnect it from power adapter now.
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No news on my side concering charging. Left it charging over night two times this weekend, both with the same result. Battery indicator shows 100% but charging light is still on.
I'm a little worried about the freezing in low power. Nothing in my changes should have caused that. All it does is change default "start charging at this voltage" and "stop charging at this amperage" values.

It might also take as much as half an hour after reaching 100% to completely top up the battery before it stops charging, but if you're charging overnight and it never goes out, that could be a problem. Is this just in regular, or have you tried in low power mode? If it stops charging in low power (and doesn't freeze) but doesn't stop charging in full power, it is just a case of the Pandora drawing more power than anticipated keeping the charging amperage from dropping below the threshold. This threshold was tested by a few people, but I guess not enough samples to confirm it works for everybody. I'll recalculate the value and send it to ED.
For me Charging in normal mode is OK too.

Another thing:

Why can not move default firmware applications between categories on minimenu?

For example when I want move calculator from others to system it dont let me move or to a new custom category.

I want organizate my way, all I have downloaded fror Pandora apps and REPO I could organizate.

Can we will do it?


PD: Sorry my English is very poor I'm from spain :P

I have an issue charging in normal mode (machine on just lid closed. When I come back to it and red charge light is off it seems the keyboard no longer works (gamepad yes not keyboard). Can't press letters to go to game and can't press space for ovr options etc. Have to reboot to get that back. Is there no other issue it seems this thread has very little reporting done in it.