Interested In Being A Game Programmer...

depends how much you guys want it...
After i run out of ideas ( which you guys can help me greatly with your ideas ).
and before it reaches the limit of not being fun anymore!
All your ideas so far have been excellent. You could probably pretty much wing it and still end up with an awesome game. I can't wait to play this game, everything about it sounds awesome--kinda like Castle Crashers for the Xbox 360 in a way.

On a side note, have you thought of trying to get this professionally developed and published for major consoles? I happen to know someone of relative importance at EA Canada--I could see if he has the time to have a look at this thread and see what he thinks, if that doesn't bother you.
Tack... Screw? Both seems pretty cool ahahaha.
I can't find any stupid word games with tack though ... enlighten me !

CyruzDraxs: that would just be amazing.
It always bin my dream of developping ( concept and concept art ) video games.

If he can take a look at this thread ... and maybe this one too that would just be purely amazing.

I am from Canada ( Montreal ).
The Hollywood of Videogames; Ea canada, Rockstar north, Ubisoft , etc etc .
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You'd better finish this game and that icon set before you jet off to stardom. ;)
Could set you off on the path though - how cool would that be?
I like the idea of turning red as health drops.
Maybe he could slowly cripple aswell until he can't move anymore, then give him 2 or 3 seconds before dying to desperately shoot anything. Would work for baddies as well.

Just want to add that this game sounds amazingly cool; but I feel bad for whoever's going to program it :p
Feel bad for me too!
theres alot of shit to do ahaha!

Yeah that could be cool... maybe not crippling but maybe when you get "killed" you lay on the floor and still can shoot a few of the guys and if you chain a certain amount of kills (whitout getting shot) , you revive without loosing a life.


TaG: Don't worry i'll never leave you guys ;) aha.
Mr.Gonzo said:
Feel bad for me too!
We do!
I love the pixelart you showed so far and your style for the storyline, hope we'll all see this project coming on the P!
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Just me sketching in paint.
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Nice :D
Do you use a tablet or a mouse? I'm just wondering because you used Paint :p
Also, I've been meaning to ask. What program are you using to produce the animations for your game?
i use mostly Paint and Graphic gales ( for the sweet onion skin tool )
If Paint had onion skin AND frames i would only need that.
ZOOMING is your best friend.
I used alot of more complex stuff back then, but these few tools fits my style perfectly
Alot of people use photoshop For pixel art.
But ... Its not the style im looking for.

And then for the Animation EXAMPLES its Flash that i use.

No tablet , only mouse :(.
The tablet i want is way too expensive... so this will have to wait.
Im way better with real pencils ahaha...

I might post a thread of some of my actual real drawings... eventually aha.
Yeah, I know the animation examples are in Flash, but when you do the actual animation for the game do you know what program you will be using?

About the tablet, you can get a small Wacom Bamboo tablet really cheap which will do you fine until you can afford the more expensive one you want. I thought the small area was going to screw with me, but like you, I zoom a lot anyways. The ones that don't come with PSE are about $60 or $70 here. The ones that come with PSE are $100 but you don't need/want that :D
Wow, it looks like this game would be faster onto the german "index" than you can say "blood" :lol: If you ever plan to make a commercial game you should know, that the german "BPjM" hates every red pixel in Videogames. And it's getting worse and worse her in Germany. People who have no clue about Videogames want to forbid "Killergames" and the industry censors their own games...and usualy even censored games are only for mature people so even if you are 18, often you only can buy censored versions. :(
At least, they don't have problems with Sex-scenes ingame :lol:
fusion_power: ahahah , you crazy germans.
Blood: nooo. Tits: yeees.
You gotta have some fucked up kids in germany ahah ;)

cb88: i'll be sure to check that out when i come back from work. Thanks man!
Mr.Gonzo said:
fusion_power: ahahah , you crazy germans.
Blood: nooo. Tits: yeees.
You gotta have some fucked up kids in germany ahah ;)
Like I always say: "In USA, people love Guns. In Europe, people love Sex. Where do YOU want to live?" ;) ;) ;)

Whatever, as long it is a tiny 2D Pixel-Art Game, afaik the red pixels can fill the screen without problems today :D And I think the Violence is easier to draw than 2D Sex :lol:
AND of course I want to SEE, that I've hit a enemy. ^_^
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OUCH no updates in 5 days , that's not the kind of thing that i usually do.

Here are some new enemies just for you guys:


The horde of killer Fetus!


Did i say they were KILLERS??

And here's a little ugly pic of me having some mindless fun:

But this pic gave me an idea for a boss fight.
You would meet a large regular enemy. ( probably not the Robo bone-chimp , because he will be in the jungle levels )
And you think he's just a normal enemy until you get closer and a swarm of fetus attacks him.
and then hes just like a big ball of fetus controling him and shooting fetus at you and making Weapons made of fetus to attach you.

Well you get the point ahah.

For another news , i had an idea for a Christmas trailer for the game :).
Keep tuned you might get a surprise !

Mr.Gonzo... OUT!
Mr.Gonzo said:
OUCH no updates in 5 days , that's not the kind of thing that i usually do.

Here are some new enemies just for you guys:


The horde of killer Fetus!


Did i say they were KILLERS??

And here's a little ugly pic of me having some mindless fun:

But this pic gave me an idea for a boss fight.
You would meet a large regular enemy. ( probably not the Robo bone-chimp , because he will be in the jungle levels )
And you think he's just a normal enemy until you get closer and a swarm of fetus attacks him.
and then hes just like a big ball of fetus controling him and shooting fetus at you and making Weapons made of fetus to attach you.

Well you get the point ahah.
For another news , i had an idea for a Christmas trailer for the game :).
Keep tuned you might get a surprise !

Mr.Gonzo... OUT!

I don't know if you accept plot input from forum members, but what if you could control the fetuses for a round or two to do your bidding?
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Yeah, that would be interesting...

Maybe there could be a part where a swarm of fetuses attack you, but it's designed so there's no way you can kill them all. They take over you, and you then function like that boss character. Maybe after killing that boss, he decomposes into a thousand fetuses and you turn into a fetus-cyborg type thing like he was? Then you have go through levels to figure out how to remove them from you?

Just a thought.