Loosing time... a whole day!


Advanced Member
Feb 28, 2005
Born UK Living USA

I`ve had my Pandora a good while... since I put on the final SZ.. whenever I either close the lid or push the power switch to the right ( can`t remember which ) when ever I pick it up again.. sometimes 8 hours, ( the other day it was a good day and a half ) the Pandora`s time was well out..

infact.. a whole day :(

any ideas??

I have screen blanking disabled and ( at the moment ) profile set to 800mhz
Nah.. I have to set it again...

just like today.. I woke it from it`s sleep ( strange thing is I never see the huge hours left amount ) I used to get when it comes out of low power mode..

It was set to yesterdays date.. Had to set it to todays.. just under a days worth..
Probably your system and your hardware clock are not synchronized. Set your system clock and then type the following command in a terminal:

sudo hwclock -w
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I have a similar situation with my unit, that I never cared to fix until i started using android, where it will never keep the time properly. Upon reboot, the clock always seems to be set to some random time and day. To try and fix it I installed ntpdate, and tied it to time.windows.com. It seems to fix the date and time once I connect to a wifi network, so that does the trick for me, may want to try it yourself if you are comfortable with a bit of terminal usage.

Edited for clarity.
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Just revisiting this as I`ve noticed I`m getting the time/day out again ( not sure I did the hwclock thing ) 

still... done now and I`ll keep an eye on it... 

If it doesn`t I`ll do Shay`s method :)

cheers Caine :)
I have a similar situation with my unit, that I never cared to fix until i started using android, where it will never keep the time properly. Upon reboot, the clock always seems to be set to some random time and day. To try and fix it I installed ntpdate, and tied it to time.windows.com. It seems to fix the date and time once I connect to a wifi network, so that does the trick for me, may want to try it yourself if you are comfortable with a bit of terminal usage.
If you are running a current version of the firmware, you can also trigger ntpdate from within XFCE

by opening the menu and selecting Settings -> Time and Date -> Sync time over internet (and press change setting)

- Neelix
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I run this in a shell script to sync with the internet

sudo /usr/bin/rdate -ns pool.ntp.org && sudo hwclock -w ;notify-send 'time synced with pool.ntp.org'This script works fine, but it can be improved a little bit.. like it will pop up that message if it actually synced or not.
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As far as I know hwclock -w just sets the hardware clock to what you set in software.. the script I shared will sync the software clock to an ntp server then run that command to sync it to the hardware clock.
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thanks guys,,

seems like when i close the lid ( power saving mode ) the clock stops ticking :(

like today..I opened the lid and it said it was 10am SAturday 


was kinda hoping it would keep time in power saving mode
There seems to be an issue with the soft clock. It really needs to be synchronized when the Pandora wakes up. I just noticed this today: my soft clock was out by a day but the hardware clock was still as it should be. It doesn't always do it though, just sometimes, and I can't figure out what's different those times.

Open a command line and type

sudo hwclock -s
That'll set the system clock from the hardware clock.