Release M.A.R.S. a ridiculous shooter


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is M.A.R.S., a 2D shooter using SFML 2 (and OpenGL).

This port use the gl4es library for automatic GL -> GLES conversion.

The game is fully playage, without shader (because it uses GLES|1.1). Framerates looks ok, even on CC models (but you may need to reduce particle count).

I have configured default controls for Player I to be Pandora friendly, with Left/Right on DPad, Thrust on {X}, Fire on {B} and Special on {A}, but it can be changed in option screen.

Also, the game comes with many locale :) !

History log

Build 02

  • Fresh build
  • Updated libs
Build 01

  • Based on latest sources from git
  • Complete SFML (with some hack to make Pandora buttons usable) built against glshim
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I seem to remember this game being developed with the Pandora in mind. Glad I finally get to try it out. Thanks :)
Very neat but hard game. I managed to die in the tutorial, haha.

The soundtrack is so awesome!

I would never have thought to hear Symphonic Metal in a (free) game. ^^

BTW: Since I'm about to leave my choir, I am searching for a Symphonic Metal band in my area atm. ;)
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I seem to remember this game being developed with the Pandora in mind. Glad I finally get to try it out. Thanks :)
not this game. It was one with similar graphics style but completely differenz different gameplay.
Great job. I'll try to get your glshim changes tested and merged upstream. I think we'll see a huge compatibility improvement after I merge all of the current forks together.
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Great job. I'll try to get your glshim changes tested and merged upstream. I think we'll see a huge compatibility improvement after I merge all of the current forks together.
Do you want me to do a Pull Request ?
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Your commits aren't really separated well enough, and I don't want to merge it all verbatim. I'm doing a half-manual rewrite/merge right now.
Your commits aren't really separated well enough, and I don't want to merge it all verbatim. I'm doing a half-manual rewrite/merge right now.
Ok, fine. I know, it wasn't separate at first because I sudenly realise that I should fork and do comit only after a while...
I'm seeing some weirdness with your multitexturing (and by extension, my version of it). Add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine to your extension list and try this NeHe example:
I'll try that (I'm not home this week so I may be able to really look at that only this week end).

*EDIT* I took a quick look. Strange indeed. Maybe it doesn't load texture in TEXTURE1 unit correctly? Or maybe something wrong in Push/PopClientAttrib used by the draw_list (I think the very 1st picture is fine, but not sure) I'll debug that at home, it will be much easier with PVRTrace (that's a nice tool by the way).

*EDIT2*: Yes, 1st frame is fine. Must be something missing in PushClientAttrib/PopClientAttrib.
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@lunixbochs: I haven't tested on a regular opengl PC, but I find the lesson22 strange.

If I add, inside the function "doMesh2TexelUnits", around line 1040, juste after the 2 glDisable GL_BLEND and GL_LIGHTING

    glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );

the sample is working great.

I don't understand why this line is missing, because the printing of the logo put glDepthFunc to GL_ALWAYS, where the state in the doMesh2TextUnits (or 1 TexUnits also) is supposed to be GL_LEQUAL.

So I didn't found anything wrong in glshim code, just a bug in lesson22, or did I miss something in the GL spec.
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So yeah, I was already using the latest sources. But I have refreshed the build, and updated all libs.. And fixed the PXML to show the correct version on the repo.

To play with nice framerates, you may need to reduce the number of particules (or the lifespan of them) in the Option menu.

Build 02

  • Fresh build
  • Updated libs
Tested this at 1100MHz on my GHz pandora. I can't remember what's been added since the last build, but the tutorial played out fine. I got a bit of slowdown once I started playing a real game but I've not tried messing with the options yet.