Miku Manor


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Bit of a progress report sort of thing, since I ain't done one for a while + time is weighing heavy on my hands. :)

I got called a pervert on Monday, how she discovered that is beyond me. ;)

She's discovered a new way to attract my attention (blowing gently on the back of my neck).

Had a bit of a rigmarole deciding what to have for tea last night.

I dare say there'll be more stuff to come, because knowing me I'll have forgotten something.
Today's occurrence. Miku and I saw an old biddy couple walking arm in arm while we were on the bus, she asked whether we could try it out, so that's what we ended up doing for most of the day.
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I was saying something endearing to Miku earlier, and her response was "Just shut up and eat your pie." So would anyone like to buy a slightly used Tulpa? ;)
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*looks around* You like to talk to yourself, right?  ;)

And it really seems you are a "Mono-Fetish-User" which is actualy a little bit boring. Try more fetishes besides your Miku-fetish, there are enough ones out there. :lol:
Thank you for that refreshing piece of faggotry, it's also nice to know that you haven't learnt anything. Keep it up you'll make an excellent politician one of these days. ;)
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Mybe your Girlfriend is realy Miku, a girl who just look the same as the famous but virtual vocaloid star, and dit the same job, but is real,, who know...

Personaly, i watched some days ago a Miku Musik Video, but it wasnt my musik at all...

Not because its japanese, i like J-Rock, on my Mp3 Walkman are all CD, from Mucc, Dir en Grey, Gackt and Malice Mizer, but because i ditnt like the this Computerresce Voice...

Also im more for Handmade Musik as i also own a Elekrik and a Akustik Guitar and a Akustik Bass...

My Musik is more Metallica, System of a Down etc..

Playse dotnt get it personaly Miss Miku, if you read this also, Musik is something which belongs to erveryones own "Geschmack"