Open-source Games That You Like?

I like Circus Linux. No impressive graphics, but a fun and addictive game (and it would be a great use for the touchscreen). Someone made a GP32 port a few years ago.

Just two from me. :P


And "snake" from the "bsdgames" package.

EDIT: Regarding Planet Penguin Racer, that has since been superseded by Extreme Tux Racer, as I understand it. :P (Forgot to add this before.)
Julius said:
A good source for open-source games is the great freegamer blog:

Actually I was using Happy Penguin for that...

Julius said:
P.S.S.: NO OpenUT can NOT be ported as is is only a small part of the UT source code!!! Didn't we have this discussion about a 100 times already??? When will this stupid idea ever die in this Forum?
I think that compiling nexuiz instead of openUT should be not a big problem. For me nexuiz is the best multi-player FPS ever. And fully open source.
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Esn said:
I like Circus Linux. No impressive graphics, but a fun and addictive game (and it would be a great use for the touchscreen). Someone made a GP32 port a few years ago.

I fully intend to lure Bill into the Pandora community once I get mine. If that fails, most of his games should be pretty easy to port, since he almost always uses SDL.

He told me TuxPaint would likely work using the touch screen as a Linux mouse, though perhaps not using every library (I gathered there are a few for fonts and/or internationalization).
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The best open-souce rythm game out there. Has almost thousands of songs available for download, as well as different game modes like Pump It Up, new themes, etc.
There is a Dance Dance Revolution like game for the PSP its a homebrew game which is tons better than the Stepmania version im sure its opensource it was called DDR psp mix or something like that i have the files for the game here for the psp but not sure if there is a src available for it out there
_DiGiTaL_ said:
There is a Dance Dance Revolution like game for the PSP its a homebrew game which is tons better than the Stepmania version im sure its opensource it was called DDR psp mix or something like that i have the files for the game here for the psp but not sure if there is a src available for it out there
Indeed there is.
It's Dance Dance Revolution.

Did anybody already consider that the combination of a AV out and USB host would actually allow step games to be playable with USB accessories? ;)
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_DiGiTaL_: Maybe the original loaded through POP or PSP Revolution, but I think StepMania has alot of options etc and its one of the best dance games out there.
FranXico: Yep, planning to do that :P