Pandora PNDManager

Works great and only 8 MB, nice.

It doesn't see to show up in the system category for me though. Only on the desktop. Even after a reboot.

Could be a problem on my side though.
It seems to have shifted from System to Settings. It took me a while to find it.  Not sure why, it was changed though  I thought it made more sense to have it in System. 

- Neelix
*blinks*  Perhaps that table needs to be updated to relate PackageManager to System, not just Settings.  I still think Settings is an odd place to put it.

- Neelix
Nice find. I have it in desktop myself so I didn't notice :D

The category in the PNDBUILD is correct, though.
Doesn't work :/

$ panorama
Settings are saved in "/home/me/.config/panorama/core.conf"
Found 0 new installed packages
0 installed packages
Total 0 packages
Adding custom device "/"
@FILE device.c @LINE 388 >> _pndman_device_add
Can't access: /
Invalid custom device "/"
Found 0 new installed packages
0 installed packages
Total 0 packages
Loaded UI PNDManager created by B-ZaR.
PND Manager application
Found 0 new installed packages
0 installed packages
Total 0 packages
@FILE pndman.c @LINE 67 >> _pndman_get_tmp_file
Created temporary file.
@FILE curl.c @LINE 223 >> _pndman_curl_handle_perform
@FILE curl.c @LINE 313 >> _pndman_curl_msg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:23:07 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.4-14+deb7u7
Cache-Control: public
Etag: 1393416313
Last-Modified: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:05:13 GMT
Content-Length: 351012
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-bzip2

@FILE curl.c @LINE 319 >> _pndman_curl_msg

@FILE pndman.c @LINE 67 >> _pndman_get_tmp_file
Created temporary file.
Found 0 new installed packages
0 installed packages
Total 1184 packages
@FILE pndman.c @LINE 67 >> _pndman_get_tmp_file
Created temporary file.
@FILE curl.c @LINE 223 >> _pndman_curl_handle_perform
@FILE curl.c @LINE 230 >> _pndman_curl_handle_perform
POST: id=package.picodrive.notaz&pull=true
@FILE curl.c @LINE 313 >> _pndman_curl_msg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:23:17 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.4-14+deb7u7
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json

file:///usr/share/panorama/interfaces/PNDManager/InstallLocationDialog.qml:199: TypeError: Result of expression 'deviceList.currentItem' [null] is not an object.
file:///usr/share/panorama/interfaces/PNDManager/InstallLocationDialog.qml:14: TypeError: Result of expression 'deviceList.currentItem' [null] is not an object.

Oh, also sync is still not mesmerized.
Last edited by a moderator:
My bad !

Wrong permissions on /pandora , i can download, and sync is saved !!!

Will test more and report !
Not pndmanager-related, but nothing shows up in the menus.

I changed /etc/pandora/conf/apps :

# searchpath is a list of paths (colon separated) in which to look for PXML.xml or .pnd-file applications
searchpath /media/*/pandora/apps:/media/*/pandora/desktop:/media/*/pandora/menu:/usr/pandora/apps:/pandora/menu:/pandora/desktop
# notifypath is a list of paths to monitor; if anything in those paths changes, the searchpath is rescanned
# note that for each path chunk, all current subdirs of that path are also watched)
notifypath    /media/*/pandora/apps:/media/*/pandora/desktop:/media/*/pandora/menu:/usr/pandora/apps:/pandora/menu:/pandora/desktop

pndnotifyd 1 1 PXML overrides searchpath is '~/pxml-overrides'
pndnotifyd 1 1 Notify searchpath is '/media/*/pandora/apps:/media/*/pandora/desktop:/media/*/pandora/menu:/usr/pandora/apps:/pandora/menu:/pandora/desktop'
pndnotifyd 1 1 Desktop apps ---------------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 Apps searchpath is '/media/*/pandora/desktop:/media/*/pandora/apps'
pndnotifyd 1 1 .desktop files emit to '/home/def/Desktop/'
pndnotifyd 1 1 .desktop icon files emit to '/tmp/iconcache'
pndnotifyd 1 1 Menu apps ---------------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 Apps searchpath is '/media/*/<1>:/media/*/pandora/menu:/media/*/pandora/apps:/usr/pandora/apps'
pndnotifyd 1 1 .desktop files emit to '/usr/share/applications'
pndnotifyd 1 1 .desktop icon files emit to '/tmp/iconcache'
pndnotifyd 1 1 .desktop info files emit to '/usr/share/applications'
pndnotifyd 1 1 Watching path '/usr/pandora/apps' and its descendents.
pndnotifyd 1 1 Watching path '/pandora/menu' and its descendents.
pndnotifyd 1 1 Watching path '/pandora/desktop' and its descendents.
pndnotifyd 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 System changes detected in dbus or watched paths .. performing re-discover!
pndnotifyd 1 1 scan-on-first-launch detected an event
pndnotifyd 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 creating lockfile pndnotifyd-disco.lock
pndnotifyd 1 1 Scanning desktop paths----------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 perform discovery - apps: /media/*/pandora/desktop:/media/*/pandora/apps, overrides: ~/pxml-overrides
pndnotifyd 1 1 - emit desktop: /home/def/Desktop/, icons: /tmp/iconcache
pndnotifyd 1 1 Scanning menu paths----------------------------
pndnotifyd 1 1 perform discovery - apps: /media/*/<1>:/media/*/pandora/menu:/media/*/pandora/apps:/usr/pandora/apps, overrides: ~/pxml-overrides

I suppose I can do a dirty link from /pandora into /media/WHATEVER/ but it's a bit dirty.
Doesn't pndnotify or whatever it was called have a settings file you can set it in? In /etc/pandora or something on SZ?
Yay, sizes are handled in bytes in a 32bit variable at one point. Available disk space may show incorrectly. Did not notice this because of build differences between my desktop and pandora. New release incoming :D