

Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
There are a few sundry snes9x ports around over the last 2 years, but I don't think anyone has a current one bar me.

I said it was a crappy port, but it works pretty darned well so I just did a bit more pollish and turned it into a pnd-file; I made a quick video (sorry about the quality, but what can you do in a hurry with a cranky baby around :)

Check the notes! ie: This is on my prototype pandora with a screwed up LCD cable (among other oddities), so expect everything to be blue; I fiddled around and got it as least-blue as I could (I'm living it with it being usualyl very blue, or very red, but its actualyl not doing too bad right now :)

The download is now up:


So that means the 45 people filling my inbox can stop doing that now ;)


Uploaded my latest Hatari build (may need to do some tweaks due to some recent firmware changes, but works well enough until I get a free moment); BattleJewels is up. Stella is up. I didn't make a pnd-file for Colem yet, but maybe ED did, so that'll show up soon. I put up Kronos too, though its still in a very early state, it does let you play Magnetic Scrolls games already. Hmm, what else.. dunno, but I've gbot a bunch of my pnd's up for download now, and a few more coming as I get free moments here or there :)

So you see, SNES is okay, and thats totally unoptimized (no asm blitter etc), and not running overclocked at all. Nothing to worry about folks :)

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Wow, it makes me happy to see that people are starting to upload their PNDs. ^_^ Just wondering, do you know if this build of SNES9x will work with Super Mario RPG?

-God Ginrai

I love some yoshi's island - never could get into the ds version, tho.

I never can tell with youtube - is there any tearing?
It's one of the reasons I never got a wiz...
also, I downloaded the pnd... it seems I was number one, since the counter went from 0-1 when I did it.

sorry, there's something in my eye....

edit: it seems the pxml has the cpu set to 600. is that right?

Does StarFox work nice?

God Ginrai said:
Wow, it makes me happy to see that people are starting to upload their PNDs. ^_^ Just wondering, do you know if this build of SNES9x will work with Super Mario RPG?

-God Ginrai

Probably, it is based on Dingoo port, which has support for all snes chips known :)
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thingie1234 said:
also, I downloaded the pnd... it seems I was number one, since the counter went from 0-1 when I did it.

sorry, there's something in my eye....

edit: it seems the pxml has the cpu set to 600. is that right?

I did just set this one to 600. Did we decide that is past spec? Maybe I should set It to 500

on my phone but I can regen it in the morning.. Must sleep now, too many long nights :)

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skeezix said:
thingie1234 said:
also, I downloaded the pnd... it seems I was number one, since the counter went from 0-1 when I did it.

sorry, there's something in my eye....

edit: it seems the pxml has the cpu set to 600. is that right?

I did just set this one to 600. Did we decide that is past spec? Maybe I should set It to 500

on my phone but I can regen it in the morning.. Must sleep now, too many long nights :)


I don't honestly know what the spec is - not that I care too much, either.
I only mention it because the youtube video says it's at 500, and I was curious.
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Cool. Where did you find the source for Snes9x4D? I tried looking around a bit, but I could only find binaries.
Is this v20100429, which has FX1 and FX2 support, or v20100330 like the post you link to?
skeezix said:
thingie1234 said:
also, I downloaded the pnd... it seems I was number one, since the counter went from 0-1 when I did it.

sorry, there's something in my eye....

edit: it seems the pxml has the cpu set to 600. is that right?

I did just set this one to 600. Did we decide that is past spec? Maybe I should set It to 500

on my phone but I can regen it in the morning.. Must sleep now, too many long nights :)


Just curious though, why not just port the Wiz version that is almost full speed on that? Surely if that was ported straight it would be full speed from the start and at 500 .
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Craig mentioned a while back that SFC would run full speed all games, I see that Yoshi's is a way off and I'm super sensitive to FPS dips in platformers.

Do you think it's realistic that SuperFX games can be emulated at 100% full speed on Pandora? (This was my #1 reason for purchase)

Do you have a Paypal account so that we can help support you? (PM me if you don't want it public.)

I was worried that SuperFX games would look like your YouTube, but was told that it wouldn't be an issue. I am really greatful for your work & hope you find the time & energy to create an emulator for SFC that can do 100% speed, no slow down. I'm not sure if Pandora is powerful enough, but I'd appreciate a "Realistic" opinion on the prospects.
CapcomSuicide said:

Craig mentioned a while back that SFC would run full speed all games, I see that Yoshi's is a way off and I'm super sensitive to FPS dips in platformers.

Do you think it's realistic that SuperFX games can be emulated at 100% full speed on Pandora? (This was my #1 reason for purchase)

Do you have a Paypal account so that we can help support you? (PM me if you don't want it public.)

I was worried that SuperFX games would look like your YouTube, but was told that it wouldn't be an issue. I am really greatful for your work & hope you find the time & energy to create an emulator for SFC that can do 100% speed, no slow down. I'm not sure if Pandora is powerful enough, but I'd appreciate a "Realistic" opinion on the prospects.

Guys, this is a port of SNES9x, using slow C-Cores.
The same version got about 3 fps on the GP2X back when it was compiled, and PocketSNES (a highly optimized emulator using ASM cores) runs a lot of games fullspeed on the GP2X.

The Pandora should EASILY be able to run all SNES games in fullspeed when someone takes the time to do a proper emulator.
We didn't have time yet, we were focussing on the OS :)

PocketSNES would certainly run way better, however, it has a really messy sourcecode and uses a lot of speedhacks that break compatibility to gain speed. That is not necessary on the Pandora. Porting would probably take about 1 - 2 weeks to remove all the hardcore GP2X-Related stuff.

This is a one-day-compile of SNES9x. It's not optimized to the LCD (stutters when running PAL games, use the NTSC ones to get good emulation), etc.

Someone will port SNES properly, I'm pretty sure about that.

But why won't you wait until some developers received their units?
SNES did take a while to run properly on the GP2X, on the WIZ, on the PSP and also on the Dingoo... so give the devs some time.
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EvilDragon said:
CapcomSuicide said:

Craig mentioned a while back that SFC would run full speed all games, I see that Yoshi's is a way off and I'm super sensitive to FPS dips in platformers.

Do you think it's realistic that SuperFX games can be emulated at 100% full speed on Pandora? (This was my #1 reason for purchase)

Do you have a Paypal account so that we can help support you? (PM me if you don't want it public.)

I was worried that SuperFX games would look like your YouTube, but was told that it wouldn't be an issue. I am really greatful for your work & hope you find the time & energy to create an emulator for SFC that can do 100% speed, no slow down. I'm not sure if Pandora is powerful enough, but I'd appreciate a "Realistic" opinion on the prospects.

Guys, this is a port of SNES9x, using slow C-Cores.
The same version got about 3 fps on the GP2X back when it was compiled, and PocketSNES (a highly optimized emulator using ASM cores) runs a lot of games fullspeed on the GP2X.

The Pandora should EASILY be able to run all SNES games in fullspeed when someone takes the time to do a proper emulator.
We didn't have time yet, we were focussing on the OS :)

PocketSNES would certainly run way better, however, it has a really messy sourcecode and uses a lot of speedhacks that break compatibility to gain speed. That is not necessary on the Pandora. Porting would probably take about 1 - 2 weeks to remove all the hardcore GP2X-Related stuff.

This is a one-day-compile of SNES9x. It's not optimized to the LCD (stutters when running PAL games, use the NTSC ones to get good emulation), etc.

Someone will port SNES properly, I'm pretty sure about that.

But why won't you wait until some developers received their units?
SNES did take a while to run properly on the GP2X, on the WIZ, on the PSP and also on the Dingoo... so give the devs some time.

Thanks very much for your reply. If the Pandora can run SFC "Correctly" from the bottom up, rather than speed hacks, then it seems like a good idea to start from afresh and code the emu in the most efficient manner possible. I'm sorry for jumping the gun EvilD, I was under the impression a good number of Dev's already had Beagle boards for the past 12 months. My bad.

In terms of supporting these devs, what is the best way? There was a "Developer Fund" option when I ordered my Pandy, is that the right way?

Also I must emphasize I didn't know the devs hadn't started on emulation optimization yet, I thought it was only the end users waiting on units. I hope my message was not interpreted as being pushy or impatient. I just have a dream of 100% perfect portable Super Famicom action, and my Wiz, A320, PSP and F200 haven't been able to achieve that. I am hopeful the pandy will.
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CapcomSuicide said:
In terms of supporting these devs, what is the best way? There was a "Developer Fund" option when I ordered my Pandy, is that the right way?
I would think that the donation button on the AppStore would be the way to go (unless all that has changed).
That way you can support the things that are really important to you.
Although if they don't want donations (or charging), all you can do then is think positive thoughts :D

Oh and I'm not saying don't give to the dev fund, it's just that you have a very specific requirment.
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CapcomSuicide said:
Also I must emphasize I didn't know the devs hadn't started on emulation optimization yet, I thought it was only the end users waiting on units. I hope my message was not interpreted as being pushy or impatient. I just have a dream of 100% perfect portable Super Famicom action, and my Wiz, A320, PSP and F200 haven't been able to achieve that. I am hopeful the pandy will.
The 'devs' in this case are not the same as the 'devs' in the other communities like GP2X and Wiz and Dingoo. The 'devs' is a small subset of programmers who currently have Pandora units (say maybe 20 people?) whereas normally 'devs' refers to everyone in the community who is a programmer and creates software for the Pandora. Once it ships, there will be a huge number of people developing apps. Right now that number is very small because prototype units are extremely expensive (I think they said once that the dev units are like ~$1500 or something).

So pretty much everyone that currently has prototype units is working on fixing up the OS for shipping - the stuff on the NAND. Everything on the SD cards can be updated as frequently as desired - eg. they could release a new SNES build every day until it plays all games 100% if they want - but on the NAND it's only probably going to change every month or so. So emulators have nothing to do with current dev work. There are a few people who are ALSO working on emulators, but it's not the current focus for a lot of the devs. Once the Pandoras ship, lots of people will be working on emulators and many other things.

Don't worry about it, this community is humongous and a whole lot of us are programmers and will bake lots of PND cookies for you once we get our units. The pandora does a lot more things than any of the other systems you mentioned - it's got a full OS on it. That's the complicated part that needs to be sorted out before shipping, because it's installed on every Pandora before it heads out the door, and is a much bigger pain to update.

Heck, when Wiz shipped all the games had huge diagonal tearing. They still haven't completely fixed that, a year after release. The fact that Pandora's shipping with emus that run some games fullspeed is actually pretty crazy (but it's partly because it's been delayed so long).

I would be extremely surprised if we didn't have fullspeed SNES in the first month or so. By that time lots of devs in the community will have units.
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Hey Skeezix/ED,

I'm sure this will be sorted with proper ports, but will it be possible for the emus to utilise all of the Pandoras screen? Full resolution?

I know naaating about dev'ing so please pardon my ignorance....
jonlad1 said:
Hey Skeezix/ED,

I'm sure this will be sorted with proper ports, but will it be possible for the emus to utilise all of the Pandoras screen? Full resolution?

I know naaating about dev'ing so please pardon my ignorance....
Yes, but it will require scaling, and will still have bars then. They can also add the option of stretching to fill the screen, but this will result in either cropping or changing the aspect ratio.
It's likely all emus will support both approaches, but don't be surprised if at first they just do a 2x scale or something (2x scaling something is much more computationally efficient than scaling it to a non-power-of-2.)
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