Hello everyone,
my life has had some ups and downs in the last time and I wanted to do that earlier, but here it goes.
Since seeing a Youtube video about a neat little portable emulation machine (Dingoo), buying a Caanoo instead in EDs shop,
buying a used Classic Pandora from a guy in my town on the German boards, having lost my Pandora to UPS for some months after a repair,
getting it back after they found it, upgrading my Pandora, selling my Caanoo, etc... up to the present day, about 2,5 or 3 years have passed.
I am learning something new every single day in this community (have even gone from vegetarian to vegan, partly because of some discussion on the German boards)
and changed my Windows systems to Linux some months ago mostly because of all the stuff I learned here,
additional to that, I have no need for a smartphone or a tablet, which I might would have got now if there would be no Pandy.
Whenever something seems to change my life in any way, I remind myself to think about it
and although I am a strange guy sometimes and may not even be tolerated here forever, I am thankful for everything I got and learned so far.
Hopefully I am able to contribute more to this community in the future besides occasional donations.
Keep up the good work guys, be nice to each other and big thanks to ED for holding this project together and even sailing into new waters with it.
Enough sentimental stuff for now.
my life has had some ups and downs in the last time and I wanted to do that earlier, but here it goes.
Since seeing a Youtube video about a neat little portable emulation machine (Dingoo), buying a Caanoo instead in EDs shop,
buying a used Classic Pandora from a guy in my town on the German boards, having lost my Pandora to UPS for some months after a repair,
getting it back after they found it, upgrading my Pandora, selling my Caanoo, etc... up to the present day, about 2,5 or 3 years have passed.
I am learning something new every single day in this community (have even gone from vegetarian to vegan, partly because of some discussion on the German boards)
and changed my Windows systems to Linux some months ago mostly because of all the stuff I learned here,
additional to that, I have no need for a smartphone or a tablet, which I might would have got now if there would be no Pandy.
Whenever something seems to change my life in any way, I remind myself to think about it
and although I am a strange guy sometimes and may not even be tolerated here forever, I am thankful for everything I got and learned so far.
Hopefully I am able to contribute more to this community in the future besides occasional donations.
Keep up the good work guys, be nice to each other and big thanks to ED for holding this project together and even sailing into new waters with it.
Enough sentimental stuff for now.
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