Sqdef, My Tower-defense Game

Another Idea for the Future:

Single Path Junctions with Bridge! :)


Would have many advantages:
-more complex Mapdesign
-clear optical Difference between Multi-Path Map junctions and Single Path Map crossing
-360° Firepower-islands possible ("Circle of Death" for Creatures :lol: )
-better usage of the available screen-area

Creatures under the bridges can't be targeted, creatures at top of bridges can of course. ^^
fusion_power said:
Another Idea for the Future:

Single Path Junctions with Bridge! :)
Very nice, very nice! Definitely something to look into later on :)
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norm said:
very nice idea

Not the most important thing though. Finishing the game before gbax looks more important now :)
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b._.o._.b said:
norm said:
very nice idea

Not the most important thing though. Finishing the game before gbax looks more important now :)

Well of course, I never intended to do bridges any time before that. It takes more time than it seems :p

I'm working on the game save/load right now. It'll be able to save at any time in the game, kind of like a save state :)
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I'm really loving this game, it's soo much fun.
I thought of some possible additions, probably for post GBAX implementation.

Tower Attack Strategy - Specify whether towers attack weaker enemies (in terms of health), stronger enemies, or the first enemy in range for as long as is in range (current strategy). This came to me when I had a string of enemies just about to exit the map, some nearly dead, however my towers did not attck them primarily and I lost more lives than I would have if the weak ones were attacked and killed.

Laser Chains - As a possible upgrade, enable laser tower's attack to affect nearby enemies via a chain link (from primary enemy to nearby enemy) and the attack could get weaker with each enemy.

This game is already very fun and anything extra is just..extra. Thanks for your work on this one Alex, it's a very good game already.
The tower attack strategy would be very useful indeed. I experienced the same thing myself when I could have saved a few lives. Can't promise anything by the deadline though :X
Yupp, Towers should focus on the first Enemy, the one nearest on the exit of a Map. Sometimes it's not perfect yet, because Turrets tend to shoot on enemies nearest relative to the Turret itself. Can cause trouble if the 1. enemy is not nearest at the Turret but at the exit.

I also would like the Idea of concentrated Fire on Bosses: Turrets/Towers with multiple shooting could focus all their possible Firepower at one Boss (if no other Enemyy is in range) So a single Laser Tower could shoot with 4 Lasers at one big boss, would really help later in the game. :) Could be another research thing or a Bonus.

Oh, and Laser Towers could need a more clear Display of their Firepower. "Dmg 10" is a little bit confusing, should be "Dmg 10/frame" or so. I also could need a clear display of the current Firepower of each Turret, the upgrade Window could be useful for this:


Damage and Shot's per Second are multiplied, so it's easier to see just the complete Damage per Second of a Turret. When a turret hits more than one Enemy, this is also visible.
So perhaps rather than having:

Damage: 10 | Fires: 3/sec | Targets: 2

it should be

Damage 30/sec | Targets: 2?

It would be simpler, would this be good?

I was also thinking you could hold the R shoulder while having a building selected, and it would display its stats, like damage and the number of simultaneous targets.
Alex. said:
So perhaps rather than having:

Damage: 10 | Fires: 3/sec | Targets: 2

it should be

Damage 30/sec | Targets: 2?

It would be simpler, would this be good?

I was also thinking you could hold the R shoulder while having a building selected, and it would display its stats, like damage and the number of simultaneous targets.
Yupp, not bad. Better and shorter. It's unimportant how much bullets fired per second as long as the overall Damage/sec is displayed. :)
The info about Tower/Turret stats could be done with your Method and my Idea in the upgrade menu. It's always a good choice to have such infos at more than one place ingame. :) (I think it's very useful in the upgrade Window).

Maybe the R button could be just toggle between detailed Infos and standard, so we don't need to push this Button every time. The stats could appear together with the range Circle, when going over a Turret/Tower. Just small text/numbers near the turret or above/under the Circle, toggle on/off with R or so when free Screen is needed.

EDIT: And maybe there could be a toggle where we can display Creature health with lifebar and/or a Number (in a small window or so) when Cursor is over a creature or we "mark" a specific creature. Its more fun to see the Health of creatures shrink in numbers, especially with Bosses. Harder Waves don't move their lifebars for a to long time, with a Life-counter we could always see, what our Buildings do for "Work" :lol:

Small (not so important) Style - suggestion: The Super Tower could fire slower, would make sense because of the big bullets he fires. The overall Damage stays of course (so every bullet has to make more damage)Would look more "massive" - maybe, when this Tower fires.
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Will Alex be in time for Gbax? :unsure:

Why? He still has Time a whole day ;) I'm sure he's coding 'till his keyboard smoke and his fingers bleed. ^^"
And to win the contest, the Game don't need to be perfect. I'm sure, the real polishing just starts after the contest.
fusion_power said:
I'm sure he's coding 'till his keyboard smoke and his fingers bleed. ^^"
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Yep, all's going well. I did some polishing up here and there, and game saving is almost done. I'll send the next private alpha in a couple of hours.
Alex. said:
Yep, all's going well. I did some polishing up here and there, and game saving is almost done. I'll send the next private alpha in a couple of hours.
Sounds great! :) I'm sleeping in a couple of hours (Midnight yet in Europe) but even better, when I wake up in the morning maybe I can test the new Alpha. (And before of this: dreaming, if my patented, stolen, moving on screen status screens ever will be implemented :lol: )

Good Night! :)
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