Release Telegram

No, the audio issue is an old issue, still open. Can't setup alsa to properly do that...
I wouldn't worry about it overmuch, it seems to be the least used feature of Telegram. I've only ever seen one person use it.
Hi @ptitSeb
there are many many new Features and Changes since the last Version.

The Repo Version is still working but a newer Build will be much faster too because
this Neon Errors in the FFmpeg Sources are fixed.
Have a working Mplayer Build with Neon Scalers working in my Panplayer PND :)

The older Versions of Telegram where builded without Neon Acceleration...when i renember right..
...because in that Time FFmpeg had compiling Errors with Neon Acceleration.

I would be glad when you can update The Version on the Repo...then we have
-Gif @Fullscreen and faster playing
-better Videoplay and more Formats for Videoplaying directly in Telegram,
..and many other new Features. :)

..and Telegram is Opensource....
..i use it on all:
PC,Mobile Phone,Pandora Handheld and others.
@Askarus mentioned his Interrest on this too.
@EvilDragon use Telegram too :D
Hey wow the Rescent Update have now an Youtube Player inside Telegram for play Youtube Videos without Browser :D
Maybe. But the build system is completly new (it's a Gypi build that generate CMake build file that generate Makefile), and need to be adapted to work on the non-standard build env that is codeblocks on the Pandora. I'm on it, but it need quite some work.
Take your Time :D
Not hurry...but good to read that you are on it :D

My Video Recording System is broken and i need a windows10 combatible TV Card for my PC.
Hi,any News about a new Version?
The older Version is still working but the newer Versions have many more Videoplayerthings and when
anyone send me a Youtube Link..there is a Youtube Player Inside Telegram.
When anyone send me Links,there is a minimal Browser inside and the funny animated Gifs are working in Fullscreen on newer Versions.

The Build in Audioplayer is Nice too.

I do not know if it help you a bit but i compiled a rescent Mplayer..unfortunaly without Gif Support here:

And in the older Telegram Versions was FFMpeg Neon Disabled.
This FFMpeg Neon Problem is solved from them :-D
Hi @ptitSeb I have been using telegram recently (nice port, BTW, thanks) however, if you have the codeblocks dev cli open, you can't run it.

Using pnd_run, I can the pnd is mounted, runscript fails and pnd is unmounted. So, I interrupted the unmount and ran the script. Here's the results:
cp: cannot stat `/.Xauthority': No such file or directory
./Telegram: /mnt/utmp/telegram/lib/ version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib/

If I close the codeblocks cli, using exit and allowing the cleanup script to be executed, it still doesn't work. I need a reboot to get it working again.

Not a major problem, just thought I'd let you know.