
So C# is bad?
I wouldn't use it for a game.In fact I wouldn't use it at all.
Interesting, because I'm considered using it. C# with SDL (via Tao) seems to work quite well performance-wise on the Pandora, however, you have to do a lot of Marshal converstions from IntPtr to data structures.
So you have to write some plumbing (there's apparently an SDL.NET, but the copy I had required a specific version of Tao, and Tao needs two different versions - one for .NET and one for Mono). I was even thinking of making a .NET wrapper for Sparrow3D at one point.

I'm a bit sick of C++ at the minute with it's headers/source seperation, function prototyping etc.

Anyway, I've got two (urm, well, three really) part-made C++ games, I'm going to try and finish them before anything else
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https://github.com/flibitijibibo/MonoGame this fork intends to preserve XNA4 completely cross-platform unlike the main MonoGame branch, and can work without changing the original source at all. Not sure how complete it is, though.
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Just for info, thanks to @omega-weapon, I tried to run Terraria with that lib (using glshim), but for now it faild, with an exception before windows creation (I think, still not sure)...

Also, thanks to @DREDD, I checked quickly FEZ (XNA4 too), Solar 2 (mono + ?) and Level 22 (unity), but not luck neither
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