What Is The Meaning Of Life?


Mar 29, 2005
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Yes I want to bring it in, I saw a nice thread of it a different forum.
Lots of interesting stories and news articles that were really intriguing :p

What do you think? Got any interesing articles? or just a little response? Let us hear your voice!

Thanks! I hope to see some interesting ideas. I just hope no one hurts themselves after reading other peoples comments :unsure:

My answer is...
To reproduce and pass on genes for human survival :blink:
That answer's too simple.
That's personal preference.

The meaning of life is to die. Then you can decompose and once more become one with the planet.

Anyone read Emerson?
Esn posted on Dec 16 2005 at 11:30 PM said:

It had to be said. :)

Actually 42 isn't the meaning of life it's "The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything." What is the meaning of life, is a completely different question.
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The basic reason for life is to use up the available energy.

'The Matrix' was close when it suggested that human life is a virus.
In fact the only reason that life exists is that there is a useable source of energy nearby.

Wherever energy exists life will exist to exploit it.

The more chaotic the form of energy, the faster the life cycle of the organisms, the lower the chance for growth.
So .. microbes survive in a volcano, whales survive in the seas.

If you can use up energy faster than the organisms around you then you will survive.
If you can exploit a source of energy that no-one else is exploiting, you will survive.

What is the meaning of life? Eat, drink and be merry! :p
we need deathto give shape and meaning to life. Without it we wud find life pointless. On this view, if Hell is eternal damnation, the eternity of life in Hades would be enough to make it a place of punishment.

What we want is more life, the exact duration of the extra lease is not our prime concern. It does seem that seventy years, if were lucky, isnt long enough. But we cut our life plans to fit their expected duration, and so how ever many years we had, we would still think there wasn't quite enough.

If we had forever, then we could never make "full use" of our time, it wud become meaningless. There wud be no such thing as wasted time cos we have an infinite supply.

So ultimately the point of life is to make full use of it, then die. Thats it.
Kind of like Fight Club.

Hold the gun to your own head, and tell yourself you're going to shoot unless you fulfill your lifelong goal.

Tell yourself to run away, and that you'll be monitoring your own progress and if you're not on the right track within a month, you're dead.

The next day will be the best day of your life.
The question presupposes that there is a meaning. 'Is there a meaning to life ?' might be a better phrasing. I think the question is looking for an answer that transcends the cycle of birth and death, so perpetuation of the species as an end in itself, doesn't really cut it.
If we are merely gene transmitters why are we cursed with a concsiosness of our own mortality ? It is this that gives rise to this type of question. Lower species manage to survive on nothing but instinct. It is just an unfortunate fact that with our particular genetic advantage, brain power, we are able to ponder such things even though they have no survival factor.
On the other hand, it may be that the physical world is a component of yourself, reflecting back your beliefs and values in a tangible form. The meaning of life in that case would be to align your beliefs and values until the 'outer reality' reflecting them is to your liking. In this set up you will never cease to exist, but will forever encounter realities that are manifestations of your inner self.
PinkSpider posted on Dec 17 2005 at 12:55 PM said:
Why do things need meaning?
are you from Hull? if so i now understand your answer :p
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moz posted on Dec 17 2005 at 02:21 PM said:
Goity posted on Dec 17 2005 at 02:03 PM said:
I am the meaning of life.
"Donkeys Last Forever"
Precisely. (sing it to the tune "Diamonds are forever")
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The meaning of life is to work your ass off stuck in a job that usually you hate. At the end of this you are awarded with maddness, the inability to use your penis and bowels correctly, then you die.