Why Nintendo might be in trouble

I remember playing Pikmin an eternity ago, I'm going to get it for sure :D

The NGC had some definite gems.
Old pic below...my Nintendo GameCube collection is 10 times bigger now :wub:



















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Because if we don't fight for our rights to use the hardware we've bought the way we want, soon, even on a PC you won't be able to use the softwares/os you want on them.
Dalek: "The Pirates have... cracked... our security systems..."

KodeIn: "Yes. I've faithfully supported proprietary system vendors and I think I have the right to..." (interrupted)

Dalek: "You... are a pirate... Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"


Just try to tell me with a straight face my rendition is not vastly more accurate to how this works then your "fight[ing for our rights" line. Modern proprietary vendors intentionally do things that are suboptimal to force you to operate through them. They are not interested in true competition, and Sony in particular has demonstrated their bias to operate along this line to the point Anonymous has stepped in with this recent Hacker incident where a guy was just trying to add Linux capability back in.

After Sony, having benefited massively in terms of tariffs by being able to classify their device as a computer instead of a entertainment system and broken even with price/fab cost, decided it was going to remove an advertized feature in order to fully realize their business model. All accompanied by much rationalization by sympathizers for avoiding a loss, etc.

We'll see whether the public reaction to Anonymous' antics regarding Sony doesn't end up being counterproductive.
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That's the kind of collection that I can't understand.

I mean, okay, you got some of the limited edition GameCubes, that, I can understand, they are - indeed - collectors items.

But most of them are completely standard ones.

What's the interest? Can't understand that, even more when you can play Gamecube games on your Wii.

This console is nearly indestructible, with a normal usage.

I mean I've travelled a few time with my european purple GameCube in my backpack and played the shit out of it, but it still works like on the first day.

So there is no real need to have 10+ spare consoles.

I can think of only one reason that would make me buy a second Gamecube. It would be to make a dedicated Ikaruga arcade cabinet with a tate screen
Hahaha, I know those videos, this guy is completely crazy and talented

He must have gone through a serious training to be able to do this.

To be honest I'm really bad when playing shumps - manic shooters or classical ones -. Because I'm too focused on one part of the screen and so, I miss the little bullet coming from another part.

In a few years (when I'll have enough money), I'll probably buy a New Net City arcade cabinet for tate games.
Lol, true, very true. Thanks for reminding me of my love for Nintendo.

Speaking of which, I have some more recent pics that I'll show y'all soon~ :D
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As much as I'm still fond of my PS3, I think that the PSN debacle has moved all the pressure to succeed squarely to Sony's shoulders. Hell I think that Nintendo could release a plastic dog turd that plugs into the TV and the focus would still be on Sony. I think that Nintendo and MS are in the clear for the remainder of this generation and forward to the next. Unless Nintendo have a network problem soon after launch I think that this situation has been a harsh lesson to all three console manufacturers that they must have a robust and secure online service. If Nintendo were not thinking of implementing one, I'm sure they have been shocked into making sure they do.
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This will blow shit out of the water. I played 3ds the other day....biggest piece of shit on the market.

5 mins and I was feeling sick and contrary to popular opinion I'm not going to keep playing it to see if I feel less sick.
It really depends on the person, some people have trouble with 3D, I had no trouble playing the 3DS, found it quite neat, but not too impressive.

That said, I'm not too excited for the new PSP.
I think both Nintendo and M$ have seen (noted down) the PSN debacle and have learnt a lot from it.
Well I can see Nintendo switching over to RHEL, but unlike the Hotmail servers XBox Live seems a little to high profile.
Remember Lik-Sang!

Remember Rootkits!

Remember how the faked reviews!

Remember Geohot!
(emphasis mine)

Agreed. Add to that list:

  1. Disc read errors on 'fat' PS2s
  2. Self-scratching displays on PSPs
  3. Anything ever made by 989 Studios
  4. Prior GPL violations

No one has done more to stab the homebrew community in the face than they have, they make fragile and poorly-designed hardware and they treat paying customers like crooks (remember Yellow Dog Linux on PS3s?).

Sorry, not interested in what they're selling.