Another Humble Bundle :D


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
looks like another humble indie bundle is for sale but is just for one game :p

(unless you pay more than the average, then you get the frostbyte bundle free too)

any takes this time around?
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Interesting take on 'bundle' :D

I've bought every one so far, and I've been on the fence about getting this game for quite a while. So I guess that answers that.
I have bought them all as well, which makes this deal quite a bit less attractive as I already own the FrozenByte bundle.

Hmmm.... not sure yet.
I kind of have mixed feelings about this new bundle they've put together... While I am happy that they've bundled it with the Frozenbyte bundle as I missed that the first time around, I'm sort of disappointed they're only going with one new game from the same company.

I still bought it nonetheless, but I'm thinking for the next bundle that they'll eventually do (wasn't the last one JUST in August?) that they'll need to put more effort into putting the collection of games together.

Still, about $250K in less than 8 hours after it was posted is nothing to scoff at, I guess.
I just don't like the singleton bundle idea all that much. Makes you wonder how long it will take before this game is included in another bundle.
While I am happy that they've bundled it with the Frozenbyte bundle as I missed that the first time around, I'm sort of disappointed they're only going with one new game from the same company.
Just to clarify, Frozen Synapse (the game) has nothing to do with FrozenByte (the independent Finnish game developer). Frozen Synapse is by Mode 7 Games.
I got Frozen Synapse a while back when it was on Steam for 10 bucks (2 copies).

I have not played it so far (lack of time), but I bought it after watching several gameplay videos and it looked an astonishing game. They described it as a mixture between Chess and Rainbow Six, which looks very true from the videos.

As I like those kind of multiplayer tactic games I immediately bought it and would like to play it against some of you some time, so hit me up on steam ;) (account name is "aaa" - you might be able to find me when searching for foxblock, too, not sure).

Also I can't quite understand how one could be put off by this deal, sure it's only one game compared to the older bundles (so you getting used to receiving 5 games for the price of 1...), but still you can pay what you want and you get a pretty new and excellent (hopefully) game (which else costs about 20 bucks).

It's like those people only paying $1 for the bundles just to be able to say "hey I did not pirate it", well you did not helped either you probably not even covered the transaction and hosting costs... (yeah from the the graphs I would say Windows users to shame!).

(Not addressing anyone personally here, it's just a general trend that gets on my nerves).

I am glad that just seem to be single persons and the bundles are a success overall :)
I also got 2 copies of Frozen Synapse from the steam sale, and haven't had time to play more than a few missions. So this bundle isn't as interesting to me.

It's a pretty cool game though, very interesting take on turn based combat.
Just to clarify, Frozen Synapse (the game) has nothing to do with FrozenByte (the independent Finnish game developer). Frozen Synapse is by Mode 7 Games.

My mistake, I saw "Frozen" in the name of the game and just assumed that it was made by the same company. Me and my lack of reading skills sometimes...
I bought it. Since I missed the humble frozenbyte bundle it was a pretty good deal to me. So far I've loved every minute of it. This game's right up my alley ;) . The multiplayer aspect is also very well implemented. I go by my usual handle on the UK servers, if someone wants to challenge me ;)
the real humble bundles are great... the "frozen bundle" line is getting more and more ridiculous... it seems like frozenbyte took an other buisness approach to get quick cash than this being a real "humbleBundle" for charity and everything...

if I'dd buy this one I'dd prolly pay a normal price but put 100% to charity...
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the real humble bundles are great... the "frozen bundle" line is getting more and more ridiculous... it seems like frozenbyte took an other buisness approach to get quick cash than this being a real "humbleBundle" for charity and everything...
Except, as has already come up above, this bundle is nothing to do with Frozenbyte... ;)
the real humble bundles are great... the "frozen bundle" line is getting more and more ridiculous... it seems like frozenbyte took an other buisness approach to get quick cash than this being a real "humbleBundle" for charity and everything...
Except, as has already come up above, this bundle is nothing to do with Frozenbyte... ;)

Being realistic, every bundle since the success of the first one has been a business exercise for the participants. It's an exercise in which everyone wins, so it's fine, but there's not an indie studio that wouldn't rub their hands together at the thought of being involved.

This one is a bit strange though. The game is a worthy title, but I do wonder exactly what the reasoning was. Seems like the association with Frozenbyte mgiht not have been the best idea either - it has confused a lot of people! (And the Frozenbyte bundle itself was a bit so-so. It really only had two complete titles. Not complaining, but yeah... the next one probably needs to return to the former glory of bundles 1 & 2 if they want the Humble brand to stay strong).

Anyway, I ran through the tutorials and the start of the campaign last night. I'm rubbish at it. :D
Except, as has already come up above, this bundle is nothing to do with Frozenbyte... ;)
Its strange then that in the box that allows you to split your contribution (even the default split), frozenbyte does/can get a cut of the contributions.
what is also strange is that they list an equivalent retail price of over 70$ ... for one game?
what is also strange is that they list an equivalent retail price of over 70$ ... for one game?
No since thats for both bundles , the retail price it states for the Frozen Synapse game alone is for $25 it says it next to the video, it says the suggested retail price for that game plus the ones from the frozenbyte bundle is $76.