Release Brutal Doom (standalone)


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Brutal Doom, a Standalone package containing the Hell of Earth Starter Pack

This PND use Zandronum and contain all needed Wad to run. It use FreeDoom as a base, and add 32 specifics level just for Brutal Doom.
The difficulty of thoses level is, as always with Brutal Doom, very high.
You may need to change default setting and add Jump / Crouch keys.

History log

Build 03

  • Updated GZDoom and libs
Build 02

  • Switched to GZDoom
Build 01

  • Initial release
  • Using Zandronum 3.0 beta
  • Using Brutal Doom v20b
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I've played a few levels of the first campaign with an earlier version of the zdoom pnd. They were mostly playable but at some points the game turned to a slideshow (and not a fast one). Turning sound off helped, but not in all cases. I'll try with this version to see if it's better.
The sound improvements are great, but many levels (especially the later ones) turn to slideshows at some point, making it unplayable. I've noticed that GZDoom (and probably ZDoom as well though it's hard to check) seem to have much better performances. However they both suffer from problems with mouselook. In ZDoom it behaves strangely (keeps pointing down) and in GZDoom it often suddenly looks down when shooting.

If you could fix these problems in (G)ZDoom, I think Brutal Doom could get much more playable with them instead of Zandronum.
The sound improvements are great, but many levels (especially the later ones) turn to slideshows at some point, making it unplayable. I've noticed that GZDoom (and probably ZDoom as well though it's hard to check) seem to have much better performances. However they both suffer from problems with mouselook. In ZDoom it behaves strangely (keeps pointing down) and in GZDoom it often suddenly looks down when shooting.

If you could fix these problems in (G)ZDoom, I think Brutal Doom could get much more playable with them instead of Zandronum.
The mouselook act weirdly and point down sometimes? I haven't noticed that, I need to check again. Do you have a specific scenario when it occurs or it does just that randomly?
The mouselook works fine with Zandronum. The only problem I have with Zandronum is the performances.
The mouse problems are with ZDoom and GZDoom+Brutal Doom only (with the zdoom pnd, I haven't tried the Brutal Doom PND). For ZDoom it turned out the problem happened when not using x11 for input, switching to x11 or setting the nub as joy fixed it.
But for GZDoom+Brutal Doom no matter what settings I use, whenever I shoot the camera suddenly looks at the floor.
Ok strange. Can it be some bad key-bidding (bidding fire to something else too)? I'll test GZDoom + Brutal Doom, but with whitch was: FreeDoom or DoomII or Ultimate Doom?
I don't think it's related to key-bidding, that was one of my thoughts as well but I didn't find anything in the controls settings that could explain it.
It's with FreeDoom.
freedoom + brutaldoom v20b with GZDoom on the latest ZDoom pnd.

Meanwhile, I've played a bit of the Brutal Doom campaign with ZDoom instead of Zandronum, and it's much better. It still has trouble keeping up in some places or situations, but it's generally a lot smoother and playable.
Ok, @ElPoco I tried, and yeah, I reproduce the issue. But it doesn't happens when I just load freedoom ;S So it will be tricky to track down. I'll start with a clean recompile...
So, I have fixed that issue in GZDoom (some mess between float math in script and unsigned integer math in the engine). I have rebuilt a zdoom pnd here with that new built. I haven't rebuilt the brutaldoom standalone with gzdoom instead of zandronum yet.
There is still some heavy slowiness when the water is involved, I'll try to profile that to understand what's going on (but not sure it's easy, as it's probably some scripts running mainly, so interpreted by the engin and not much to profile then).

Anyway @ElPoco, if youc an try and confirm it's fixed and no regression has been added (hopefully).

*EDIT* link removed, the version is on the repo now.
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Seems to be working ok, I've noticed no regression. Definitely better performance than Zandronum, but I see no difference between ZDoom and GZDoom.
I've completed the Freedoom Phase 2 campaign with Brutal Doom and the first episode of Brutal Doom campaign in GZDoom and apart from a few places where it skipped too many frames, it was ok. It's not always smooth, but it's playable. Using the minigun or the plasma gun tends to cause performance issues and barrel explosions stop the display for some time.