Gbax 2007 Deadline Passed


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
The deadline for the GBAX 2007 coding competition was reached a short while ago. I haven't had a chance to fully check but it looks like we have around 60 entries to the competition which makes this our biggest in our five year history. I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that entered and good luck in the competition. If you have not received a confirmation email from me (Guyfawkes) please check your spam mail in case its in there, if you cant find a reply please email the competition address (remove NOSPAM) with the name of your entry so we can check if we received it or not. Please do this as soon as possible as you may miss the official entries release on Sunday night or Monday.

[UPDATE] Now I have had some sleep and am refreshed from yesterdays flood of entries I can give some more information. There are 61 confirmed entries of which there are 39 GP2X entries, 11 PSP entries, 10 DS entries and 1 GP32. There is a good mix, mostly games but a couple of applications as well as a couple of emulators and demo's. It is a great turnout and while I haven't tried any entries yet, judging from the screen shots it looks like an excellent quality competition!

The entries should be online by Monday night as I need to finish the page which has all the entries with information and screen shots. This takes some time so please be patient, it should be worth the wait. As a teaser I have added four random screen shots which you can see on my site here, they are not any indication of winners, favourites etc. purely random. Stay tuned for more information!

[UPDATE 2] I have uploaded a text file with the list of entries, you can view it here. If you are the author of an entry and notice a mistake or your entry is not listed please let me know at (remove NOSPAM) and I will update it asap.
Holy shit! 60 entries... that is a massive onslaught of homebrew software. Nice! Hopefully lots for the gp2x!
sam fisher said:
gonna take a long time to play em all.
Come on men, step up to the challenge. <line steps back, leaving only sam seemingly stepped forward>

Tough job, but Sam is up to it!

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where can be found the entries? or they aren't published yet?

EDIT: sorry i didn't read the Guyfawk's post update
60 Entires is amazing... that's going to be a loooong time of sorting through stuff! I think it must be getting near the time for me to try and get another battery charger... :D
Forgot to include any screenshot, so I'll post one here:
I would put mine screenshot (same from zip) but since my project is RPG it is should be tasted by hands.