God of War 4 confirmed.

The first god of war is one of my favourite games ever.But with after parts 2 and three I think the game design and game mechanics need to be overhauled.Several other games like darksiders have copied the combat system wholesale.I need a fresh and revamped god of war game for me to purchase this.The thing is that the first game had an ending and it didn't pave the way for sequels in terms of story.Still I hope it's good cos I thought the stories in parts 2 and 3 were a bit silly and convoluted.that first god of war game though was spectacular.
Dante's Inferno was the same style, but a different mythology, if you think the god of war story is milked dry
I have actually enjoyed all 5 games greatly(3 on PS3 and 2 on PSP), but I think I enjoyed 2 the most but not by much over the others. It is a very good series and it functions in a certain realm of gameplay, and I really can't see them ever changing it to much, as it would then no longer be GOW, but who knows?

Resident Evil 4 made a left turn for that series, and that game is one of the best games I have ever played, and my hands down favorite of the RE series. I believe this new game stands to be a "pre" title, so they may make some huge changes as it takes place before the other games, so some differant mechanics can be explained away in that manner. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I really enjoyed the GOW games but there were sections in all three (PS2 & PS3) that weren't so great. There was a music section in 3 IIRC that just did my nut in after several attempts - which really is unlike me. I'm normally pretty good with things like this, but I gave up and let my son do it. Of course he completed it first time. I probably would have done it myself any another day, but just couldn't do it that day. I even bought the HD versions for PS3 (not actually played them yet, although I did complete them on PS2).

I'm glad they are continuing the saga, even if it is a prequel - it's fun ripping the heads off of mythical beasts :)
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I have a feeling that they will revamp the god of war series a bit with this iteration in terms of mechanics and such or at the very least evolve and advance the current mechanics and gameplay.The current storyline is too convoluted now so a prequel with an all new story should work. I havent played the psp versions yet maybe someday.Still im sure this will be a good game.
Yeah, I also fear that they're going to play out this series. But so far they haven't gotten too over zealous and stayed true to the first game. When they decide to go around and make big changes is when games are ruined.

One thing I would love to see is a CGI movie adaptation, kind of like Advent children or the like. You could have a killer storyline with this kind of game!
Im starting to look forward to this game now.Im enjoying the psp's game backlog on my vita namely the god of war ghost of sparta and chains of olympus.I think absence makes the heart grow fonder.sometimes a break from a series is a good thing.
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