Is Now The Time To Buy Or Wait?


"Nobody's gay for Moleman"
I've been happy with my GP32 for a very long time, but I think it might be time to move on to bigger and better things. I've been away for a fair amount of time so I don't know much about the GP2X. But with now the "Wiz"? and Pandora on the horizon, is this bad time to be looking at buying a GP2X? Or should I just hold out for one of the other systems? To be honest, the Wiz doesn't look like it would be to comfortable to use.
Well, if you wanna dig into a vast library of existing emu's & homebrew that you've missed since the GP32, then the GP2X wouldn't be a bad idea... but on the other hand, if you want something new thats gonna have releases getting pumped out over the next couple years, check out the pandora (seeing as you don't like the style of wiz). As a personal note, I still dig out my GP32 as I find the clicky joystick and some of the homebrew that didn't make it to GP2X (like JBB's stuff, drunken arcade master, lacuna and Elena, etc.) make it worthwhile to pickup the GP32 still, not to mention the boobs! I'd say either wait for a pandora if you want something top of the line thats gonna have lots of new releases over the coming years (but might be a month or two before you can get one and won't have too much to begin with), or get a GP2X if you want a nice, mature console to settle down with and search through to find the gems in the collection ;) (Wow, how come I feel like I was almost just giving dating advice?)
Angel said:
I've been happy with my GP32 for a very long time, but I think it might be time to move on to bigger and better things. I've been away for a fair amount of time so I don't know much about the GP2X. But with now the "Wiz"? and Pandora on the horizon, is this bad time to be looking at buying a GP2X? Or should I just hold out for one of the other systems? To be honest, the Wiz doesn't look like it would be to comfortable to use.
If I were you, I would pick up the gp2x. THere are lots of gems for it, certainly enough to keep you busy for quite a while. You can pick them up pretty cheap on ebay and like the other poster said, there is lots of software for it and no software for the Wiz or Pandora. After 6 months to a year if you get bored, you can sell the gp2x (most likely for what you paid for it) and pick up a Pandora or Wiz, which by then should have a decent library available for them. Jumping on a brand new platform usually means you will pay a lot of money for better hardware and almost no software.

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I would personally wait until a good few months after the Wiz and Pandora have been released to see what sort of game/emulator releases have been made for them. As well as ironing out any issues with the OS of the consoles. With most new consoles, teething problems can occur but not all affect the playability. :)
Hooka said:
Well, if you wanna dig into a vast library of existing emu's & homebrew that you've missed since the GP32, then the GP2X wouldn't be a bad idea... but on the other hand, if you want something new thats gonna have releases getting pumped out over the next couple years, check out the pandora (seeing as you don't like the style of wiz). As a personal note, I still dig out my GP32 as I find the clicky joystick and some of the homebrew that didn't make it to GP2X (like JBB's stuff, drunken arcade master, lacuna and Elena, etc.) make it worthwhile to pickup the GP32 still, not to mention the boobs!
I forgot about those!!

I would definitely get one. Simply for the complete feeling you get from all the homebrew games, emulators, and just stuff you can do!! I love being able to switch out of one emulator, and jump into another through gmenu, just because I feel like playing another system. I love my gp2x, don't know where I'd be without it!

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