No Pandora By Christmas

Polossatik said:
Frankly, there is nothing better (even not a super-de-luxe souped up omap3 handheld device) then a nice time with people you love.

I think you mean "there is nothing better (even ... omap3 handheld device) then a nice time with the people you love, yet "
When Pandora ships we may have to re-evaluate. :D

Super nit-pick : I also think you mean "than a nice time[...]"

We may not send any Pandoras out the door in time for Christmas, but there is still a good chance that some will ship before the end of the year. It's looking very good to have every first batch Pandora shipped before the end of January.

This is excellent news. But also a little sad because it seems to imply that the Pandora team will be hard at work over the holidays.
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Off topic nonsense has been fed to the wolves. Merry Christmas.

Mucho gracias, my noodley appendaged friend :)
Quoth the Rules for GP32Xtreme Boards: Political discussion are prohibited, as is any discussion on religion and religious matters.

If I have to delete religious bickering a third time, somebody is getting a stocking full of coal.
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Benjiro said:
Hell, i have not been able to "reorder" at all. The only way to reorder is the international bank transfer ( yea, lots of people are going to do that .. not! ). The CC system... *sigh*
here in europe bank transfers are a common method of payment, so it is not unlikely that a few more orders were already repaid that you could expect in the US. Of course they also seem to be way cheaper: I've paid less than 2 eur for mine

And this entire bank problem. No offense, but if a bank works like that, my first answer after getting stonewalled like that, will have been going to the bank with a lawyer. (...) And no, you don't need to sue a bank to get there asses in motion. (...)

I don't know how thinks work in the UK, but in italy it wouln't go like that: you would have to take the loss, then sue and then hope to get your money back after a few years, if you manage to win (and as a small business against a bank you don't even have big chances)
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I thought I would quote MWeston incase some are not sure about the failure rate and such.

MWeston said:
The factory will not do all 4000 at once, even if they had absolutely every part in front of them. This is a brand new design using technology that still isn't adopted by all assemblers. That is the POP design. Also, the 0.4mm pitched parts tends to cause troubles and requires very specific and repeated procedures to be followed to guarantee success. Basically, we have to do this in small runs. I tested a few boards of the new design, then batches get larger like 20 boards then 100, then 400 and then maybe the balance but the procedure has to be nailed down before they will pump out thousands.

Unfortunately, right now I am seeing a failure rate of at least 25%. That doesn't really scare me as it doesn't mean the boards are junked. It just means the stencil thickness, reflow oven temperature profile and dwell times and maybe even the visual inspection stages have not been tweaked yet. Reflowing the boards and doing some touch ups brings them back to life and then they work fine. They just have to keep trying things slowly and figure out all the tough areas so that those get extra attention and the areas of the boards that never fail can get a quick inspection. A final burn in test of each board will confirm that everything works.
From my understanding this is nothing unusual before refinement is done on production, but I have no clue about such things, hehe.

Anyhows I advise yas to read MWeston's entire post, note that it was posted Nov 21 2008, so all of this might be resolved now.

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valhalla said:
here in europe bank transfers are a common method of payment, so it is not unlikely that a few more orders were already repaid that you could expect in the US. Of course they also seem to be way cheaper: I've paid less than 2 eur for mine
An international wire transfer would have cost me $45 in fees. My cc order cost me about $12 for the foreign currency conversion fee.

Now to keep myself occupied until the cc reorder page appears.
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Chip said:
I can absolutely guarantee that nothing will be held up due to packaging. There isn't going to be any fancy packaging for the first batch. As long as Fedex still gives out free boxes, we're set.
i thought there was a post earlier stating there would be special boxes. doesn't bother me in any way, but i just want to clarify
guess the second batchers will be getting something different.... although pretty useless sitting in my closet.
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krooked said:
i thought there was a post earlier stating there would be special boxes. doesn't bother me in any way, but i just want to clarify
guess the second batchers will be getting something different.... although pretty useless sitting in my closet.
I think it's rather cool to receive such a device in a simple brown/white/whatever plain box ;)
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krooked said:
i thought there was a post earlier stating there would be special boxes. doesn't bother me in any way, but i just want to clarify
guess the second batchers will be getting something different.... although pretty useless sitting in my closet.
I remember a thread on the subject, but I think it was all community speculation. That quote from Chip is the first one I recall from an official source on the subject.

But I'm ok with generic packaging so long as the device is top-notch and it arrives in one piece. :D

EDIT: That thread I linked wasn't the one I thought it was. This one is also not the one I was thinking of, but is pertinent, especially this post (although he doesn't cite his source). Oh, well. Just illustrates that most of the chatter about packaging has been speculation.
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Cool? I think it will come off as cheap, although everyone on these boards knows its because we all want it NOW!

Just don't record the unboxing for Engadget or anything. Come up with some stupid MMO story for your Pandora.


Pandora-Owner: "The Pandora's mother and father were slaughtered by orcs and that is why to this day, She swears revenge upon all Orcs in her path!"

Pandora-Inquisitor: "Where's the box?"

Pandora-Owner: "Have you no heart?! Have I not just told you of Pandora's Story? BEGONE!"

Pandora-Inquisitor: "Yea alright, shut up and show me the device already."

Pandora-Owner: <Aside to himself, wringing his hands in success> "They've fallen it for it. Ha."


In retrospect, I will probably do an unboxening video.
_Sterling said:
But I'm ok with generic packaging so long as the device is top-notch and it arrives in one piece. :D
Generic? It'll be exclusive and very much symbolic first batch packaging. Can't wait;)
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salasq said:
_Sterling said:
But I'm ok with generic packaging so long as the device is top-notch and it arrives in one piece. :D
Generic? It'll be exclusive and very much symbolic first batch packaging. Can't wait;)

Chip was talking about free boxes from fedex or UPS. I don't consider that exclusive. Though I don't find mass produced "stuffs" that are given away for free exclusive.

Maybe that's just me...

"Seriously, it wont even come in a retail box?
This is getting a little out of hand now."

Now it's starting to get out of hand? Haha, this has been the biggest roller coaster ride of a pre-order I've ever been on.
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mali said:
How about a hand-drawn Pandora symbol on that fedex box :D

+1 to this idea. Hell, I'd accept a sloppily drawn happy face. I don't quite grasp the importance of snazzy retail packaging.
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sinoth said:
mali said:
How about a hand-drawn Pandora symbol on that fedex box :D

+1 to this idea. Hell, I'd accept a sloppily drawn happy face. I don't quite grasp the importance of snazzy retail packaging.
What's the importance of wrapping x-mas presents? To hide the snazzy retail packaging. Its to enjoy the product more. Plus I have all of the boxes from everyone of my consoles. True it's not super important. but little details matter.

However, if you asked me, Do I want my Pandora now, or wait 2 weeks for us to get the packaging in, I would say, "Screw the packaging. Give it here."
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sinoth said:
mali said:
How about a hand-drawn Pandora symbol on that fedex box :D

+1 to this idea. Hell, I'd accept a sloppily drawn happy face. I don't quite grasp the importance of snazzy retail packaging.
nephew n00b1: Oh hey!! The logo on my Pandora box is upside-down!
nephew n00b2: And the smiley face is a frown!! Collector's edition! Sweet!!
nephew n00b1: Yeah, it's like that stamp with the upside-down plane! I'm gonna sell it on eBay!
uncle geezer: Turn the box over, n00bz.
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VRAndy said:
Polossatik said:
Frankly, there is nothing better (even not a super-de-luxe souped up omap3 handheld device) then a nice time with people you love.

I think you mean "there is nothing better (even ... omap3 handheld device) then a nice time with the people you love, yet "
When Pandora ships we may have to re-evaluate. :D

Super nit-pick : I also think you mean "than a nice time[...]"

My humble apologies, English is indeed only the fourth language I learned in my live, hence I should not make such obvious mistakes...
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