On A Lighter Note....

skeezix said:
Reminds me more of a prototype-Dalek; protect this one, we'll need her for the future war!


Oh the memories, every DR Who fans dream I would think, or one of them.

Many many years ago I spent a day inside a BBC Dalek scaring kids at a big Xmas party, think I may have been about 13 - 14 at the time.

One of the perks of your dad (RIP) being one of the main organizers : )
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HUUUUUGE Doctor Who fan here, I used to be scared witless by many of the Tom Baker episodes after school .. was my primary form of entertainment (along with The Goodies too, of course, which played just before Dr. Who) until my first computer arrived (Oric-1!) and then it was always a tossup between watching the Doctor or coding something up in 8-bit paradise .. well, coding won pretty much all the time, as the Australian ABC sort of screwed things up with repeats in the 80's, and I never liked watching the same episode twice if I could help it .. haven't gotten into it much with the new-gen stuff, but I look forward to watching these shows with my son when he gets a bit older, I'm sure its going to be a blast to see all the Daleks and Cybermen again, some time in my 50's, when I get to look a bit like the good old Doctor myself I suppose ..
Not sure about the new doctor yet but i've found another reason to watch... ;)



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trix said:
VRAndy said:
That's a neat trick. Since there are 108 episodes that are lost. Perhaps you have a time machine yourself?

Still, even skipping those, I estimate that's about 250 hours of television watching! That is an impressive chunk of TV!

I did the "oh no" thing and grabbed the torrents, every season is seeded if you can find it. Even the specials and rares. Worth adding to the collection even with questionable legality.

And if they are available that way, they are in no way "lost".
Errr... no. There are definitely loads of completely lost episodes - the BBC used to wipe tapes after broadcast because of their cost: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_missing_episodes
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RenegadeChic said:
its definitely saturday evening family viewing, if thats kinda what you mean by trashy. its mostly wholesome and in the area of "mild peril". the daleks are scarier than they look since they can fly and they have shielding to physical weapons (not sure about lasers). its more their psychological condition thats scary though. they want to exterminate everything essentially and do so coldly and without any level of humanity (or the alien equivolent).

torchwood on the other hand really is quite trashy. its shown later and it far less family oriented dealing with themes like sexuality and death far more graphically. its also got slightly cheesier acting, mostly thanks to john barrowman. doctor who is better IMO.
Well, They started here with the new Dr. Who Series, I don't know if theyy still air the newest Episodes. Sadly, this series ran at Saturday or Sunday Afternoon and because of this early date, it was also cut in some Episodes. Because I never watch cencored Movies/Series/anything I spared these series.
Anyway, in the early 90's, there ran some Episodes of the Series from this time, so AFAIK this Doctor was known in german TV.

And I really like the Music. Some time ago, I watched every version of the intro/ending on Youtube, amazing sound and even the old one of the 60s sounds very modern and mysterious. Did they had Synthesizers at this time? ^_^
Whoombadoom Whoombadoom Whoombadoom.... XD

goonaman said:
Not sure about the new doctor yet but i've found another reason to watch... ;)
Whoah, Convinced! :D
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VRAndy said:
WizardStan said:
I recently finished watching the entirety of the original Doctor Who. It took several months to download, and just as long to watch them, but I enjoyed every minute of it :D
That's a neat trick. Since there are 108 episodes that are lost. Perhaps you have a time machine yourself?
They only wiped the video. All the audio survived, either at the studio or recorded by fans at home. Those audio recordings were made available to fans on the internet who then pieced them together with still shots, found clips, and recreations.
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Alpha2 said:
Err People! Looks like the Daleks have now evolved so that they can climb stairs. Run!


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may88 said:
Alpha2 said:
Err People! Looks like the Daleks have now evolved so that they can climb stairs. Run!
they can fly who needs stairs?.
although their looks have certainly improved since i last saw them (or someone spiked my drink) ^_~


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Tom Baker is the best Doctor Who. Roger Moore is the best James Bond. It's not about nostalgia. Simply my generation is the best of humanity.
Saw this and had to add my vote for Tom Baker as best Dr. All thou Jon Pertwee, and David Tennant come close second. I still think their right that whatever Dr. you start the series with becomes "YOUR" DR. atleast thats how it worked for me. I loved Tourchwood to. Thou Dr Who holds a special place in my Scifi heart right up there with Babalon 5,Farscape and Lexx as far as serials are concerned. oh and Firefly :>

On the newest Dr. im up in the air but The companion is Swweeeeeet :wub: i just love her attitude the character has.

ok back to work and waiting for my Pandora (im hopeful for may before my B-day.
trix said:
VRAndy said:
That's a neat trick. Since there are 108 episodes that are lost. Perhaps you have a time machine yourself?
I did the "oh no" thing and grabbed the torrents, every season is seeded if you can find it. Even the specials and rares. Worth adding to the collection even with questionable legality.

And if they are available that way, they are in no way "lost".
New Plan for World Domination

Step One : Bittorrent Doctor Who
Step Two : Return lost episode to BBC.
Step Three : Receive a Dalek as a reward!
[ Repeat steps 1 and 3 until I possess 108 Daleks.]

No stealing this new plan.
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WizardStan said:
They only wiped the video. All the audio survived, either at the studio or recorded by fans at home. Those audio recordings were made available to fans on the internet who then pieced them together with still shots, found clips, and recreations.
They should make them into cartoons. I'd watch that.

(Hmmm.... did they do this once? I almost remember seeing this.)
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mmalficia said:
Saw this and had to add my vote for Tom Baker as best Dr. All thou Jon Pertwee, and David Tennant come close second. I still think their right that whatever Dr. you start the series with becomes "YOUR" DR. atleast thats how it worked for me. I loved Tourchwood to. Thou Dr Who holds a special place in my Scifi heart right up there with Babalon 5,Farscape and Lexx as far as serials are concerned. oh and Firefly :>

Dr. Who... I watched various episodes during the 80's, never understood any of it, yet still watched it. I mostly watched the ones with the guy with the black, curly hair and long face. I definitely dig Farscape, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and is grounded with a character from modern Earth. Lexx is awesomely weird... With a super hot nympho and a dead guy, whats not to like?
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VRAndy said:
New Plan for World Domination

Step One : Bittorrent Doctor Who
Step Two : Return lost episode to BBC.
Step Three : Receive a Dalek as a reward!
[ Repeat steps 1 and 3 until I possess 108 Daleks.]

No stealing this new plan.
BBC has the lost episodes that can be downloaded via bittorrent. They endorse their sale on a DVD. You're plan was stolen before you came up with it. :p

edit: also yes, there apparently is an animated recreation of one of the episodes, but it wasn't finished when I watched the episode in question, so I haven't actually seen it yet.
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