Pandora Logo Poll

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04 is still the old version. <_<
It should be this one (unless people prefer the old one):

Minor difference, I admit; and it doesn't seem too popular anyway...

14 isn't displaying for me.

04, 15, 03

(I assume I'm allowed to vote for my own? :D)
3 & 4
But there's not much choice.
A lot of them either relate to a box but are ugly or are nice but don't relate to anything.
c'mon, this project deserve something better.
3,3,3....because its a clean modern design, I like the monchromatic style....AND its a logo people can remember easily when purchasing or taking about it.
Number 3 doesn't convince me, but perhaps I don't understand what you like about it.

I tend to prefer simple logos, and number 3 seems a lot complicated to me.

I believe 14 and derivates do a great job on simplicity and clever desing.

So, what do you like about number 3?
Where is the original version of 28, without the stupid tail on it? seriously, that one.
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