Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

MDave said:
What happens if you open an emulator that wants to run at 500MHz, minimise it then you open up the mp3 player that wants to run at 100MHz, then resume the emulator? You'll be playing the emulator while the system is clocked at 100MHz? :p

Think you might want to open the mp3 player first.
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fraseyboy said:
paddy said:
Those stats don't really impress me ,i hope the driver gets the full treatment
as i am currently playing quake 3 on the psp at 22/28fps - drops to 12fps when
all hell breaks loose.And well we already know quake 1 runs at a constant 60fps
on the psp and quake 2 runs at 30-40 fps.

I can run Quake 3 at around 25fps on my phone but it doesn't mean it's more powerful than the Pandora.
I think you missed the point of his post. He was basically implying that the Pandora is way more powerful than the PSP but yet quake gets 12FPS on the Pandora and 22 FPS on the PSP. But no one mentions what settings and such hence Craig's comment about resolution. I just sold my PSP and didn't even realize they had quake 3 running on it. Oh well I will just have to get another later and install custom firmware on it.
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Derek said:
I think you missed the point of his post. He was basically implying that the Pandora is way more powerful than the PSP but yet quake gets 12FPS on the Pandora and 22 FPS on the PSP. But no one mentions what settings and such hence Craig's comment about resolution. I just sold my PSP and didn't even realize they had quake 3 running on it. Oh well I will just have to get another later and install custom firmware on it.
I would love to know how many frames the PSP gets running the timedemo. If it isn't less than 12, I'll eat my hat. It's a very tasty looking hat.
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Exophase said:
Clock speed can be adjusted based on total CPU load, rather than per application. Failing that, it is possible to task switch clock speed, depending on how quickly the transitions take place.

Running at full speed for 50% of the time then sleeping for 50% of the time must still be using substantially more power than running at 50% speed 100% of the time or CPUs wouldn't support frequency scaling. Even when sleeping you still need to have enough clocks running to be able to resume based on internal events like timer interrupts.

The scaling does come with pitfalls. I feel like I'm constantly fighting it on Linux, it's just too slow to realize my app needs full CPU, and it's especially bad when it keeps rescheduling it between cores.

I would be interested in how Android / Maemo / Limo handle this... I doubt they have a per application clock setting.

My vision of power management is that the user should not have to worry about the clock speed (beside the overclocking user case which is special).

Also what happen if an audio player that runs @ 100mhz suddenly need to accomplish a CPU intensive task (for example has to refresh the audio library) ??. I believe battery time would be wasted because it would have been more efficient to do the same operation @ 600mhz.
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marshal said:
I would be interested in how Android / Maemo / Limo handle this... I doubt they have a per application clock setting.
Notaz mentioned how hard a proper power management is to implement, a while ago. Unfortunately maemo's power management implementation is closed source :( If Pandora had an equally advanced management, it would be possible to get up to 20h battery life under moderate load, I suppose.
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mali said:
Notaz mentioned how hard a proper power management is to implement, a while ago. Unfortunately maemo's power management implementation is closed source :( If Pandora had an equally advanced management, it would be possible to get up to 20h battery life under moderate load, I suppose.

It's too bad some part of maemo are closed source.

I guess everything is about Meego now and not Maemo.
I am not sure if Meego will be (or close to) 100% opensource but it should definitely run a wider array of devices.

Also meego should be coming this year on the nokia n900 (OMAP3 based)
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mali said:
marshal said:
I would be interested in how Android / Maemo / Limo handle this... I doubt they have a per application clock setting.
Notaz mentioned how hard a proper power management is to implement, a while ago. Unfortunately maemo's power management implementation is closed source :( If Pandora had an equally advanced management, it would be possible to get up to 20h battery life under moderate load, I suppose.
Was that in regards to all the different onboard devices, i.e. putting some to sleep/low power mode then waking it back up? In regards to things like hibernation?
Normal on chip (ARM) power management works doesn't it?
I'm at sea in regards to this now :lol:
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^Yes, IIRC it evolved out of a question about suspend and he linked to a diagram from TI that basically described how power management works. Actually switching on and off components on demand is the important part of the story :) The CPU and its frequency is just one tiny part of it.
just create a file with a list of application names and requested run speed, when one closes/opens then add/remove it to/from the list then use the highest clock speed in the list, or use the total of the list's speeds to ramp up clock speed, should be scriptable since apps are added to the run scheduler, and you can pull data from that to know whats runnin and at what percentage of cpu, in fact the kernel should have a lot of this functionality already, originally intended for x86 Intel speedstepping cpu's
marshal said:
I would be interested in how Android / Maemo / Limo handle this... I doubt they have a per application clock setting.

My vision of power management is that the user should not have to worry about the clock speed (beside the overclocking user case which is special).

Also what happen if an audio player that runs @ 100mhz suddenly need to accomplish a CPU intensive task (for example has to refresh the audio library) ??. I believe battery time would be wasted because it would have been more efficient to do the same operation @ 600mhz.

Slightly off-topic, but anyway...
Maemo just uses the standard 'ondemand' governor (part of cpufreq) and on my N800 underclocks to about 165 MHz when idle (normal being 400 MHz) - and it works Very Well:

With a 1300 mAh battery my N800 can Actually last 10 days when not being used. (I checked, this was also booted from an SD card, with a browser, a command prompt, and a text editor open) So the Pandora should be able to reach about 30 days at least right? ;) (and perhaps more with a 'real' suspend) As far as I know the only hardware turned off or down in the N800's idle state is the CPU and the screen+backlight, all apps are still running and radios if left on are still working.

Some apps allow switching the CPU to a different governor or to a fixed frequency, such as the 3rd-party (open source) Advanced Power Manager applet but on boot it's ondemand

Any reason this shouldn't work for the Pandora? (with very demanding apps overriding it on start and restoring it to whatever the previous state was on exit if it's still where it was set to)
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