Some more of my ideas

I don't want a camera in it, another surface I'm both afraid to touch and feel the need to cover.  I'm into augmented reality too, but it'll have a USB port, we can stick the tiny future USB cameras in there when we need them.  Nice cameras still take up space, and they're one of those technologies which even with infinite room, many people don't want them to be there for privacy concerns and paranoia. 

And you can communicate just fine without showing your face, even in Skype.
Maybe there can be some sort of slide cover that would be over the camera? I mean, you can communicate just fine with a lot of things, but I think it would be helpful to attract a larger base of people if you could have video calls on it.
I don't want a camera in it, another surface I'm both afraid to touch and feel the need to cover.  I'm into augmented reality too, but it'll have a USB port, we can stick the tiny future USB cameras in there when we need them.  Nice cameras still take up space, and they're one of those technologies which even with infinite room, many people don't want them to be there for privacy concerns and paranoia. 

And you can communicate just fine without showing your face, even in Skype.
Maybe there can be some sort of slide cover that would be over the camera? I mean, you can communicate just fine with a lot of things, but I think it would be helpful to attract a larger base of people if you could have video calls on it.
It would have to be a terrible camera.  There are $1,000 cameras that high priority video snobs think are too crappy.  USB3 is great because it's the fastest in its standard, SDXC is great because it supports the largest SD cards yet, an affordable and small enough camera however will have to be a crappy camera, and people who care enough about recording videos to really need that on their Pandora probably aren't going to feel satisfied with a crappy camera, they'll have to buy a nicer one and then have an extra crappy camera they're unable to remove from their Pandoras.  It isn't a good idea to permanently integrate the crappiest of a line into something you want to be good, even if you personally don't care that it's crappy.
Again, the purpose of a camera inside the lid wouldn't really need to be high quality, as I don't think anyone would ever dream of using that for capturing high end photos or videos. The same way people use the internal 3ds camera and the webcams on laptops. It just needs to be someone with a decent framerate and quality good enough for video calls, that's its purpose. A super high quality camera on the outside of the pandora might be a consideration, however what I'm personally talking about is the webcam type camera.
No thanks.  To me, a self-facing camera in the lid isn't worth the extra wires that would have to go through the hinge to support it.  It's just added complexity with very limited application.
I can see the ulitilty of user-facing cameras. Video calling is a thing, even if it really didn't take off when 3G landed, although that's partly due to stupid call plans from the operators. But still, I think the proportion of users who want one for video commentaries and so on would be better served by plugging a webcam into USB
I can see the ulitilty of user-facing cameras. Video calling is a thing, even if it really didn't take off when 3G landed, although that's partly due to stupid call plans from the operators. But still, I think the proportion of users who want one for video commentaries and so on would be better served by plugging a webcam into USB
Actually, they would be better served by a smart phone and a 4g connection.

The theoretical video conferencing on the hypothetical DragonBox (insertnamehere) would only happen where connected to WiFi.

I suppose you could tether or wifi tether your DraonBox (insertnamehere) to your smartphone then video conference through it - but what a waste.  You could be doing some serious off camera goofing off on your DragonBox (insertnamehere) while chatting on the smartphone.
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Grench, I feel like I come from a different reality than you do... most people I know do video calls from their home, on their laptop. Some people use facetime on there iphone or something, but I think it's mostly people on their laptops. Therefore, they're often using wifi. I'm not asking for it to become a phone, but a webcam is something that most laptops have, and this is similar in concept to a portable laptop. It's such an easy addition, if you're to add it like they did on the DSi, I don't see why you wouldn't, unless it's from a fear of the government watching or something.

I guess the problem with a usb webcam would be portability
If you've ever traveled, then you would know how great it is to be able to video skye someone abroad using a free Wifi hotspot.  Personally I think it would be a great addition if it can be done .
I agree that a simple cheap small camera would be a nice extra. The main problem is where to put it. Above the screen like in laptops would take away a significant amount of vertical screen space, which means the screen would have to be smaller than the one in the current Pandora. That is not acceptable.

I think it would be a better option to find one or more nice models of compact usb cameras, make sure they work out of the box on both the P1 and the P2, and sell them from ED's shop as an optional accessory.
I agree that a simple cheap small camera would be a nice extra. The main problem is where to put it. Above the screen like in laptops would take away a significant amount of vertical screen space, which means the screen would have to be smaller than the one in the current Pandora. That is not acceptable.

I think it would be a better option to find one or more nice models of compact usb cameras, make sure they work out of the box on both the P1 and the P2, and sell them from ED's shop as an optional accessory.
I agree. I find sim reader and 3G is not a must have, but the camera is even more useless for me. I will se what P2 will be, but I hope it won't intergate such a thing natively.

In fact, I don't understand. Reading the few last posts, some people seem to use video calls ? Really ? Enough to think that P2 will need a cam ?

I and most of my friends, have a phone able to make some video calls. But I (really) never seen someone make a video call on his phone. So ok, everyone can have different wishes for the future Pandora. I just say that I am really suprised to read that someone should be interested with a camera in it. And, regarding to the price, the space it will take and/or the complexity to add it, it would be nice to have it as an external accessory.
Enough to think that P2 will need a cam ?
Enough to think that it's a worthwhile feature to investigate. I wouldn't use it but can understand why someone might.There are going to be features built in that you won't use, things you may not even be aware of. Have you used the serial ports on the Pandora? How about the extra GPIO line behind the screen? The I2C pads? The OTG port for anything other than connecting to a PC or charging? How about the line level input? Bluetooth? I can keep listing features all day if need be but the end result is that I will find at least one feature that you have absolutely no use for and yet still paid for as part of the total cost.

The Pyra will be the same. It will have a lot of features you want. It will have some features you won't use. It will be missing a few features you think it should have. To be the best for everyone some compromises are required. It can still be as great a device as the Pandora is even with excess or missing features.

If people want a camera, let them discuss how to get a camera in there. If the discussion demonstrates it isn't feasible to include it natively then no worries, we've had fun with the discussion all the same.
He's not referring to the fact that the CPU has spare GPIOs but that the Pandora design provides easy access to them.

- Neelix
Everything that can be easily added through USB - except the standard stuff like WIFI - doesn't really seem necessary to me. Maybe just add an additional USB port?
If people want a camera, let them discuss how to get a camera in there.
I didn't try to prevent anyone to discuss about this. On top of that, it wasn't ironical at all. I am really surprised to discover that real people (and not only advert ones) use video calls.

Concerning the features that "I have absolutely no use" as you say, yes, it's right. There are features useless for me. And I don't mind if they don't take much place or much $ (like BT, typically).
from time to time operators do promotions that make video calls cost less than normal calls... it's the only time I see my friends to use this function
I didn't try to prevent anyone to discuss about this. On top of that, it wasn't ironical at all. I am really surprised to discover that real people (and not only advert ones) use video calls.
Sorry, I jumped. Your post had a very "I can't find a use for it therefore it shouldn't be included" vibe.