All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

Exqueeze me? What the fuzz are you on about... :)

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.

PS: this is a quote from here ;)
wow....i didnt think foar cha-nel lingo went that far, and can we keep the asshole of the interwebs out of this forum?
wow....i didnt think foar cha-nel lingo went that far, and can we keep the asshole of the interwebs out of this forum?

Anyway, It'd be nice to think that mroe Pandoras are being produced and sent out. I just would like to know when I might expect to see mine, that's all. That way I might save up and get myself an SDXC card or two. But the way things have been going, it's been looking like I might end up only paying £20 for a a 64GiB card.
News just in: my Pandora has been shipped. My heart skipped a beat while reading the mail. I am now so full of joy. Jippyyyyy!! :lol:

Approximately 550~650 in the queue (once upon a time).

Of course I'll make a nice video when it arrives. It should arrive within 2 to 12 days.
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Anyway, It'd be nice to think that mroe Pandoras are being produced and sent out. I just would like to know when I might expect to see mine, that's all. That way I might save up and get myself an SDXC card or two. But the way things have been going, it's been looking like I might end up only paying £20 for a a 64GiB card.
im sorry i may have misread that, you said something about a 64gb sdxc for 20 quid?
It does look like it's suddenly going as fast as I wished for in April/May.

If this trend continues we will clear the 4000 very quickly.