Release Hase 1.5

I want to thank here all players and (involuntarily) testers of the recent Hase version, too.

The last friday made a lot of fun, but also showed some little and unfortunately also some very big bugs, but also created some new feature request.

I still wonder, why you needed such an event to test my game. Some players did even played their very first hase game online - not knowing, what to do. :D

Now I have plenty of work, which will take weeks, because I don't have too much spare time. I will hopefully release a new version 1.5.4 this week, which will not be server compatible with the recent version, but will fix the following bugs

  • Hase crashes for some users with a chance of ~10% right after the start
  • The building tool can make the game freeze for all clients
  • The game doesn't work on the GCW anymore. :\
  • Hase crashes if you create a game, deletes it and recreates it again very fast
I have also a list of small bugs and feature requests, which I will implement this week or the weeks after it, depending on my spare time.
  • Especially with many players the game can get very laggy. I think this has something to do with the Pandora wifi driver. I have some ideas to improved this. However this needs testing. ;)
  • It can happen, that the IRC chat timeouts. In that case it should try to rejoin.
  • Sometimes a game was still mentioned as "Running" if it was finished.
  • Sometimes you see, that someone write something to you, but you were focued on the game. So I will save the chat log in the appdata of hase in the future.
  • I will use tomato sprites instead of weapon points.
  • I will change the chat button from Y+A to Start to have a consistent experience.
  • I will improve the very confusing "timeout after 1 minute" message. ;)
  • I will somehow improve the aiming for you. Some of you don't like the crosshairs.
  • In this or the next major version I will improve the stucking.
Greetings, Ziz
Okay, new version is up. If you update, you can't play against the old version anymore and you will NOT be able anymore to watch replays of the old version. So if you want to screencast them, do it now or download an older version of hase for this. You can e.g. use the Linux version of the old version to see and record replays if you want. Keep in mind after one week I delete replays!



- Fixed bug on gcw, which made the game unplayable

- (Hopefully) fixed a bug, which made a client crash right after the start if a game with a chance of ~10%

- Automaticly reconnect of IRC loose connection

- Added logging for irc

- Less time between two downloads of a turn to avoid wifi energy saving, which slows down the whole game

- Fixed a crash, when exiting a game via removing the last player

- Creating backups from the OPKs for the GCW, too

- Tomato sprites instead of "Weapon points"

- Line between player and cross haire for easier aiming

- Removed confusing "1 minute timeout" message

- Building tool can build in the ground, but more savety distance to hares

- No sending of empty messages in Chats

- Chat is now [start] ingame

- Fixed error message if server is not avaible
So I solved everything except the stucking of hares in the environment, which isn't too bad imho. ;)

I will probably solve this with the version 1.6.

Just update via the repo. For other targets, these links point always to the most recent version:

Linux 64 Bit:

Linux 32 Bit:






Wiz (Probably broken):



If you want to record the old replays, here are the most recent versions of the old version for PC:

Linux 64 Bit:

Linux 32 Bit:


Please keep in mind, that ED's server is quite week at the moment, so online games will work, but be incredible slow.

So maybe just play around against the AI and get used to the new behaviuor of the build tool. ;)



PS: If you rated older version of Hase with four or less stars, please consider, whether this version is worth to change it to a five star rating. ;)
- Building tool can build in the ground, but more savety distance to hares
NOOOOOOOOOOO!   :( Dreams ruined. ;)
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Please keep in mind, that ED's server is quite week at the moment, so online games will work, but be incredible slow.
Eh? What do you know that I don't? :eek:
Since the big down time Hase gets a file fromt he server only every 2 or more seconds. Furthermore sometimes even the board returns with some 50X error (I just had these errors today).
I don't know, what happens, whether it depends on Apache or MySQL. I have to go to university now, I will try to explain more in a few hours.
Okay, now I have more time.

In fact I don't know, what really is (not) happening. Before the down time everything worked fine, now every HTTP request of my needs ~ 2 seconds for an answer. When I open the php files in the browser (e.g., it load instantly.

So I probably do something wrong. However it worked before. :\

I will investigate this further.
I found the problem. I need to add "Connection: Close" to the http header.

I just wonder, why this worked before?

Anyway. I will upload a new version in a few minutes/hours, depending, how my tests are working.

Edit: And fixed. Please update :)
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FWIW, something weird happened yesterday at the end of our two hour marathon; Lolla's character froze with 15 seconds on the clock, and even after 15 minutes it never moved.  Eventually we all quit the game (although I think it took the game master to leave before it would actually let us back to the lobby).  Trying to watch the replay from there caused a segfault, but that's perhaps not unexpected.

Watching a replay of it from a fresh instance shows the game did continue, but we all ended up as zombies.  I missed the bit where we got stuck during Lolla's move (because even watching the replays is quite slow at the moment), but I caught the end.

It probably doesn't matter as if you're not spamming the server with connections, it might behave better, although the boards are slow to respond at the moment even, so I'm expecting we might still have network limitations this evening.

Another thought; I think I understand why you can't easily skip to the end of a turn, but I wonder if the server could be asked to compress the moves, to eliminate stationary periods, thus you'd better be able to catch up with the sender after lagging a bit without fundamentally making a new communication protocol to communicate all the changes made during a move.
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I could increase the game speed. I already thought about this.

However: Everybody, who download the game the last hour please update again, the version was broken. >.<
Out of interest, what time zone does the 'Updated at the' message at the top of your download page use? I'd kind of assumed it would be CET, but if you updated just before posting that it looks more like UTC.
Out of interest, what time zone does the 'Updated at the' message at the top of your download page use? I'd kind of assumed it would be CET, but if you updated just before posting that it looks more like UTC.
Dunno. :D Or better I forgot. I use it only for the GCW's OPKManager. It is, whatever "date -u +"%d.%m.%Y %R"" prints, ;) If -u is UTC, then it is this way.
Game just gets more and more fun with all these awesome updates.

The line is much much better but it's still hard to aim. I would suggest allowing the player to decide between line or cross-hare and maybe letting them choose the line size.
To a certain extent, it being hard to aim is part of the game - gravity means it's very hard to predict even where a fairly short shot will land. If you're really not sure, fire off a small carrot first to check your aim, then a medium one. Then use your previous shot lines which remain next turn to do the same with a big carrot, provided you get the chance.

That's assuming you can see the aiming line. Perhaps it should be more obvious that that's what you need to look at - it can get a little swamped under the spinning cross hairs. I do sometimes still miss the old arrow, mainly because it gave you an immediate visual reminder of power as well as a clear direction, but maybe that makes it too easy dunno.
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I will think about some representation for the power directly on the hare. ;) I already have something in mind...
When I say hard to aim I'm not talking about the difficulty in figuring out your firing solution but in determining precisely where your little hare is pointing as the line is obscured by the cross-hare at most zoom levels.
I was just playing a game of the latest version of Hase with Levi, Lolla and undexsym, and I got frozen. The pndrun*.out mentions a lot of times "BIG PANIC at second 90!". Here is the pndrun.out file:


    7.9 KB · Views: 197
I was just playing a game of the latest version of Hase with Levi, Lolla and undexsym, and I got frozen. The pndrun*.out mentions a lot of times "BIG PANIC at second 90!". Here is the pndrun.out file:

Did you use the most recent version and not the version, which was online between 02:55 PM and 03:48 PM board time?
Especially the last mentioned version made some serious strange network bullshit. :D

Otherwise it just looks like to me as if your network was gone.
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