Slackware for Pandora 14.1

You have a lot of strange problems, maybe your SD card is not reliable.

Which old software ? If you mean Slackware packages, you can check ls /var/log/packages/*SBo* on the old card as most of the extra software is compiled using SlackBuilds.
Maybe your right, because my old card (SanDisk 32GB) is no longer booting. It also had the problem of copying large files from one card to the other which is now working with the new card. So I use now my new one (64 GB)with fresh installed Slackware. I would like to "copy" the installed packages (I called them old software) from the old card to the new one if possible so I dont need to search for it and install all again. some of them are the I2C package, SDR radio and a lot of Slackware packages from repo installed with the manager / manual. That would save a lot of time.

Sorry for the work you have.
Use "ls /var/log/packages/*SBo*" on the old card to see which custom packages were installed.
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The card is Extreme class 10 telling 45MB/s and is working now I guess about 2yrs. First FAT for the pandora pnds and data and then with Slackware. I looked in the directory and found some files. But the question is : must I install this again or can I copy them somehow to the new card ? Some were a bit difficult to find/ install and I want to save some time. I also installed some libs and should have them too. Is it possible to somehow use cp -ru /card1  /card2 ? Which directories are needed?
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I tried to install some packages via sbopkg which were not accessible in GSlapt. UMPlayer is working so far but needs lots of resources. It is like SMPlayer with some differencies.

UMPlayer having shoutcast via menu also youtube. Youtube videos will not play (also with SMPlayer). Internet radio via Shoutcast working well but not direct via internet address (works in SMPlayer). Videos and DVB-T are very slow. DVB-T is showing abt. 90% CPU at 1.2 GHz and almost no moving pics (SMPlayer 25%). Video 720x576 mp4 also 90% and too slow (SMPlayer about 25%).

So maybe for Internet radio and lo res Videos.
SMTube works fine with youtube videos, why would you use something else ?

DVB is also fine with mplayer/SMPlayer, I used it some times and never had any problem even at hi-res.
This was just for trying other software if there is     a better way (more functions, less cpu usage etc.) for multimedia. And so I wanted to give the info to others.

Good news : after changing deinterlace settings I got the same result as in SMPlayer and all is fine now.
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Another good one : After setting deinterlace to none Kaffeine is now fast enough for DVB-T at 1.2 GHz. It has also EPG and record mode. Very fine.

So thanks again to Linux SWAT for this nice OS port.
There is a player called ROSA media player (GUI for mplayer) that has some nice features like desktop recording, video editing etc. but it is not working (not playing any audio/ video). Maybe someone can get it to work. Install with sbopkg.

Here is the error: (exit code 1)

/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo omapfb -ao oss -nokeepaspect -framedrop -nodr -double -input conf=/usr/share/rosa-media-player/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 54525975 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0 -ass-font-scale 1 -ass-styles /home/jooachim/.config/rosamp/styles.ass -fontconfig -font Sans Serif -subfont-autoscale 0 -subfont-osd-scale 20 -subfont-text-scale 20 -subcp UTF-8 -subpos 100 -cache 1000 -osdlevel 0 -prefer-ipv4 -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 tv://

Unknown option on the command line: --fontconfig

Error parsing option on the command line: -fontconfig

MPlayer2 2.0-716-gc8b3d7e © 2000-2012 MPlayer Team

There is a player called ROSA media player (GUI for mplayer) that has some nice features like desktop recording, video editing etc. but it is not working (not playing any audio/ video). Maybe someone can get it to work. Install with sbopkg.
I have issues with most audio players built with SBOpkg, all of them refuse to play any audio file and I cannot figure why that is the case (I have rebuilt ffmpeg and all dependencies but it still does not work...) 
SBo packages resides in /tmp when they are built.

Remove the -fontconfig option from the command line.

As Xmms works fine and is optimized for the Pandora's hardware, I never bothered testing audio players. Maybe select ALSA as default backend. Set the right device also.
@ekianjo : UM player is working fine - see above

tried without font in ini file and also with ini file from SMPlayer with the same result so I guess its another problem not the font setting


I tried to install mencoder for webcam recording (works in SZ) but couldn't find it. Is there no mencoder in Slackware / how can I get it ?
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I found a good Howto for it.

Look like you need much Time for it and must change the Directories from the Howto to yours ;)

Or you can steal the Mencoder Binary from this Armv7a precompiled Archive:

When Libs are missing then can you maybe extract them from here:

But this Way is Dangerous and no Warranty from me.

I prefer the Howto


I extracted the Mencoder Armv7a Binary.

It was only one Binary in that Archive,please try it and Report ^_^

Edit Edit:

Oh a newer Version from the Pandora here?
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Mencoder isn't included in the Pandora's optimized Mplayer.

Maybe you can grab it from the Slackware ARM 14.1 package.