The Rabbit Joint

Yes, do. I'm very surprised Tony believes him.
Also, I forgot that we could add smiley things to posts. I'll do this more often.

Edit: Good work :) .
That'll teach that little snot not to mess with...

(naw)mcx said:

Calculators with more power than the pandora.

"runs Linux as well as the statistically inclined R,"
Kinda like how my computer runs Linux as well as Firefox.

It does look pretty cool, but unless it has a decent graphics chip and a keyboard in there somewhere, I can't consider it a competitor.
It's not even mass-produced.
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Going away for a week. Probably not much chance for internet access.
Be good. Do as Daddy says.
I don't remember an Official openXile Holiday Request form being filled out...

;) Have a good time.
I just noticed the new animated gif openXile signatures. Very cool! Are they still PHP generated? I didn't realise animated gifs could be produced.
Peter R said:
I didn't realise he was on the payroll....

He gets paid in leprechaun gold, like every openXile team member ;)
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This was a good weekend (again). I was at Boozembly, the assembly's shadow party, dedicated to drinking. Just a bunch of people on a rock in the forest drinking. Well with sound systems and grills. Excellent fun. Assembly is a big lan party/demo competition.
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EDIT: Xbox 360 Medal of Honor Beta Code: AP7C-SD6X-VBEH-S4E7. First come, first served.
Moments without Pandora:
I wanted to record a sound effect for a project I'm working on.
My friend proposed using his iPhone to record and play it back.

Now that I'm back from his house, I don't have a portable device that can record sound and play it back. (My MP3 player has no speakers, and its microphone is probably shit) If I had a Pandora, I could be editing the sound in Audacity and testing it for playback already.