Looking for a Website designer

One request to those who end up making it: Make it work without JS enabled. I am tired of sites not working working properly because of obscure JS bugs. OpenPandora.org is one of those sites that doesn't work :|
One request to those who end up making it: Make it work without JS enabled. I am tired of sites not working working properly because of obscure JS bugs. OpenPandora.org is one of those sites that doesn't work :|
Well there goes my completely-JS site idea... j/k. ;)

-God Ginrai
Depending on what this site needs/wants to do we will require JavaScript, is everywhere you can't hide away from it, I know some people still refuse to enable JavaScript which is just completely crazy, it is 2014 now not 1999 :)
The problem is when the javascript implementation in question completely chokes up on javascript. For example, all webkitgtk based browsers will have their JavaScript part crash on OpenPandora.org. No javascript will work until you restart the browser.
The obvious solution is to use an all-Flash website. No worries about whether Javascript is properly implemented or whatever. ;)
Animated gifs and blink tags all the way.

edit: Midi on page load for a little extra zaz.
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I certainly think its important that it should still work if <x> feature is missing from your browser.

No JS?


No ability to display images?

No problem!
To an extent yes, but it shouldn't cater too much to the minority of people who don't like modern web sites/techology
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